Chapter 58: The Theif.

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Both Taehyung and Jungkook heard another bark right after and they didn't waste a second before barging into the guest room from where the voices came.

Well when they went there they came across a very funny sight. Grandma Jeon was on the floor screaming with a scared expression at our cute little Bam who was in front of her.

It wasn't the on the floor thing that was funny it was rather what Bam was doing. The lady wasn't wearing her sandals.

Where did the sandals go, you might wanna know, well it was in our Bam's mouth.

That's right.

Bam was literally eating her sandals.

One of them was already torn and the other was being chewed by him still.

"Yah! What are you standing there and looking at? What is this thing? Stop him right now before I lose it!" The lady yelled and that was what brought Jungkook out of the daze and he ran towards Bam kneeling in front of him.

He put a hand over Bam's head and the other hand held the shoe in his mouth. He gently petted Bam as he likes,
"Come on Bam, let it go." And poof! Within a second Bam let go of the sandal.

Even though it was of no use anymore.

Taehyung smiled seeing the adorable sight as Bam purred in Jungkook's touch. And the beautiful smile on Jungkook's face was worth it.

But then by the corner of his eyes he saw the lady getting up and swinging her hand to hit Jungkook. His smile fell in a second.

And he lost it.

He marched forward and held the hand of the lady stopping her just a few inches from Jungkook's face.

Taehyung was breathing heavily as he tried to control his anger. He looked and Jungkook and frowned when he saw Jungkook already had his eyes squeezed shut as if waiting for the slap.

What the fuck?

Bam who saw it again started barking at the lady who moved away as she got scared a bit from the dog. He looked like he was ready to kill her.

It was like a copy of Taehyung's face. Because he looked equally mad right now.

Bam's barking made Jungkook open his eyes which turned wide soon enough as he saw Taehyung was holding her hand and glaring at her making her gulp.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Taehyung yelled at the lady who got scared out of her wits at that.

But in return she overcame it and yelled back,
"What am I doing? What is he doing? Jeon Jungkook why is that thing in this house? What did we talk about having pets huh?" The lady yelled at Jungkook who was tongue tied.

He looked at Taehyung who was looking at him with an expectant face as if waiting for him to speak. But he really couldn't.

"Sorry Nana." That's all that ever came out of his mouth. Taehyung was so fucking done at this moment he stood up picking up Bam and walked out of there leaving Jungkook alone with his grandma.

"Get out you imbecile!" The lady yelled and Jungkook quickly got up before running after Taehyung who was now in the kitchen and had started making dinner pretty aggressively.

Jungkook stood there holding the pillar gulping as he stared at Taehyung who was talking to himself while cutting vegetable after washing them.

"Who does she think she is?"

"How dare she?"

"Bam is not a fucking thing!"

Suddenly Taehyung turned towards Jungkook and glared at him,
"And you!"

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