Chapter 36: Empath, Telepath.

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Usually its Taehyung who wakes up earlier and stares at the sleeping beauty in his arms till he wakes up blushing.

But today Jungkook was the one who woke up earlier surprisingly and was doing, well something.

Actually when he had woken up he was feeling this sudden urge to feel Taehyung more, so he stuffed his nose over Taehyung's chest but he still didn't feel better.

So he started nuzzling all over Taehyung's torso. It felt so warm and the calming manly scent was so comforting. He was inside the blanket rubbing his nose and dropping soft kisses all over Taehyung's upper body.

He might or might not have made one or two hickeys, or maybe a few? Who knows?

What he didn't know was that his boyfriend had woken up already a few minutes ago and was just silently enjoying his boyfriend giving him his love.

He was dropping kisses over Taehyung's toned stomach when he felt something hard twitch under his chest. He widened his eyes and peaked from inside the blanket only to find a smirking Taehyung looking right at him.

He tried to run away from the scene but squealed loudly when he was pulled out and flipped over to lie over his back with his boyfriend hovering over him.

"What?" He asked annoyed by the smirk on Taehyung's face who wasn't saying anything and just staring at him.

"What were you doing little bunny? Taking advantage of me?" He asked Jungkook who's eyes widened at the accusation and he sat up making Taehyung sit up in front of him too.

"What? No, How dare you accuse me of something so bad?" Jungkook grumbled at him with a big pout.

The way he was looking at Taehyung was making Taehyung just forget about everything and fuck the living lights out of this bunny

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The way he was looking at Taehyung was making Taehyung just forget about everything and fuck the living lights out of this bunny.

"I never said I minded." Taehyung moved closer and husked right over his lips as he dropped a kiss over his lips.

And his kisses moved downwards to his jaw then to his neck before he just stayed at his favourite place sniffing Jungkook's scent and just staying there hugging him.

Jungkook felt a bit of hesitation in Taehyung's actions. He didn't get the reason but he shrugged it off.

"I still wasn't taking advantage of you Tae." Jungkook softly said as he hummed feeling Taehyung's hot breath tickling his neck.

"But what if I want you to?" Taehyung said, Jungkook moaned when he felt Taehyung's lips moving right over his neck. The moan was so tempting, Taehyung's hand fisted Jungkook's hair but not enough to hurt him.

Taehyung's one hand moved inside Jungkook's t-shirt and he grabbed onto Jungkook's chest.

He just laid there squeezing it occasionally,
"I d-don't know then." Jungkook whispered softly closing his eyes just feeling Taehyung's soft touches.

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