Chapter 55: The Plan.

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"Stop it!"


"Koo I swear to god stop laughing! This is not funny!"

Jungkook who was driving the car turns to look at him and again laughs cutely,
"Come on you look adorable."

Taehyung simply turns his head the other way, sulking while facing the window, his whole face red as a tomato,
"No I don't." He mumbled embarrassed out of his wits.

Jungkook suddenly stopped the car by the road side, Taehyung turned to look at him but gasped when suddenly Jungkook went and sat on his lap.

His hands automatically stabled Jungkook not to let him get hurt. Jungkook looked at him and giggled again.

Taehyung groaned and just pulled Jungkook in a hug tightly,
"Why are you doing this to me?" He mumbled sulkily whole face turning red again when he saw how he looked at the side view mirror.

Jungkook kissed his collarbone and kept his cheek pressed over Taehyung's shoulder,
"If you want you can remove it, but then remember you will have to face the other punishment." He said and giggled hearing the gasp from Taehyung.

"Either this or No touching me for a week." He remembered the words of Jungkook.

"You! You are so cruel!" Taehyung said pouting, Jungkook just pressed another kiss over his neck.

"You are more cruel in bed." Jungkook said and pulled back.

"Besides you got yourself hurt! Now you have to face it!" Jungkook said determined to finish the punishment.

He saw Taehyung eyeing his lips. Jungkook smiled at him and putting both his hands on Taehyung's cheeks, he leaned down and kissed the pouty lips.

Taehyung hummed enjoying the feeling and closed his eyes, tightening his arms tightly around Jungkook's waist to pull him even closer. Their chests clashed making both of them moan when their hard nubs rubbed against each other through the fabric of their clothes.

Jungkook pulled back, kissed his forehead once before he went and sat back on his seat.

"Shall we Mr. Kim?" Jungkook asked him giving him a bunny smile which he knew Taehyung couldn't resist.

He pouted and just nodded not being able to take his eyes off his angel's gorgeous smile,
"Oh god, please let the club be empty today!" He prayed to god in hopes that not many people come to the club today or he is doomed.

For god's sake he is the owner, how will people look at him!


"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" Came a voice from behind Jungkook who just entered the club and was looking around for someone familiar.

Jungkook put a hand over his mouth to stop his chuckle, he simply replied,
"They are people why?" He said and was about to walk forward but halted his steps when an arm around his waist from behind him stopped him.

"I know they are people baby! But why are there so many people today." Taehyung whined trying hide himself behind Jungkook's big frame.

Jungkook removed the hand from his waist and turned around, holding Taehyung's hands who panicked and leaned closer to Jungkook to hide himself again.

Jungkook looked down at Taehyung's outfit and smirked,
"Come on Tae, you look so hot! What's the problem?"

Jungkook looked down at Taehyung's outfit and smirked, "Come on Tae, you look so hot! What's the problem?"

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