Chapter 30: Under the Influence.

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"W-what?" Jungkook stuttered miserably backing towards a wall when Taehyung started taking steps towards him.

"You said to wait till we get home. We're home now." Taehyung said, his voice was so deep Jungkook was a second away from dropping onto his knees.

He realised this is how everybody feels when Taehyung goes into his 'V' look.

"B-but you n-need t-to sleep." Jungkook stuttered and then yelped when the person who couldn't even walk straight a few minutes ago suddenly picked him up in his arms like he weighed nothing.

"No I don't. I just need my bunny." Taehyung said in a deep husky voice. He threw Jungkook on the bed on his back who gasped at the sudden action, it wasn't harsh but wasn't gentle either.

He was perfectly manhandled.

Jungkook lifted himself on his elbows and looked at Taehyung who climbed over the bed on his knees. The way Taehyung was looking at Jungkook, it felt like he was predator looking at his prey.

"T-tae." Jungkook breathed seeing Taehyung came hovering over him on the bed. Their chests met and Taehyung dropped all his weight over Jungkook.

Taehyung moved a strand of Jungkook's long hair behind his ear and nuzzled his nose over Jungkook's cheek. He sniffed in Jungkook's heavenly smell and let out a grunt at how satisfied he was. Jungkook was loving all of it, all these touched makes his body feel like its on fire.

"Yes baby?" Taehyung asked as he dropped a soft kiss over Jungkook's chin and then pecked his lips too. He let his lips linger over Jungkook's lips for a few seconds as gently as possible, his hands resting in Jungkook's beautiful hair.

"You're drugged Tae." Jungkook managed to speak out when Taehyung moved downwards and was now licking Jungkook's collarbone. The wet muscle felt so warm it made Jungkook let out a lewd moan.

He bit his lips to not let more sounds out when he felt Taehyung's teeth scraping against his collarbone.

"Am horny baby." Taehyung muffled voice came from somewhere near Jungkook's upper chest.

"I c-can see that." Jungkook husked chuckling but feeling his pants tightening himself. He was feeling so needy all of a sudden. Taehyung sure knows his body more than he himself.

"You've been naughty today angel." Taehyung whispered in Jungkook's ear and Jungkook swore he felt his heart drop at that. He was honestly scared right now. He thought Taehyung had let the whole thing go, but guess not.

"Am sorry." Jungkook mumbled softly when Taehyung bit his earlobe.

"It's okay, I forgive you." Taehyung said kissing right above his ear.

Taehyung pulled back from Jungkook's neck and looked him in the eye, his eyes as gentle as his touches,
"Can I?" He asked holding the hem of Jungkook's t-shirt.

Jungkook was so lost in Taehyung's touches so he just nodded at Taehyung who didn't waste a second before literally tearing Jungkook's shirt off his body.

Jungkook gasped seeing the shredded shirt that went flying across the room.

Poor shirt.

"I just don't like when someone looks at what's mine." Taehyung husked as he took Jungkook's nipple in his mouth and started making slurping sounds making Jungkook go crazy. Jungkook's hands held the pillow below his hair tightly in his fists. His upper body lifted itself pushing his chest more towards Taehyung.

"And am so fucking pissed at the fact, that he touched you." Taehyung said and bit on Jungkook's nipple while his other hand held Jungkook's other nipple pinched tightly not letting any blood go there.

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