Chapter 28: The Seducer.

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"My club?" Taehyung asked bewildered at the sudden information he just got from his boyfriend.

"Yep." Jungkook said as he picked up his car keys and they both proceeded to exit the apartment with a bag in his hand.

"How come I had no idea?" Taehyung asked pecking Jungkook's cheek before opening the door of the car for him. He buckled Jungkook's seatbelt.

He then went to the driving seat and then started the car. It was pretty natural for him to drive the car since he likes it and even Jungkook doesn't say anything about it.

So the thing is that Jungkook and Daniel are recently after a bunch of young males who have been selling drugs to teenagers and other young men. And the one place that these drug deals have been happening the most at is none other that Taehyung's club, Moonlight. And since the teenagers have their fake ids, no one suspects them.

So right now Jungkook and Taehyung are going there as Daniel had already reached there.

So the plan was that Jungkook and Daniel were going to catch the young group red handed with drugs with them, that was all Taehyung knew. He didn't know anything else. He didn't know how they were going to do it. But he was there to help them with anything.

It had been a day since the whole thing happened and there was no news about the breakdown of Vante.

He knew there was no way Kim Daehyun could ever crack Hoseok's software.

He was just waiting for the news to air. He wanted to see Daehyun's face as he tells everyone or explains what's going on.

He never wanted to completely ruin Daehyun, that's why he was doing things like these. At first when he leaked that information about Daehyun's illegal deals he knew Daehyun would manage to sort and get out of all of it.

He wanted it, he wanted Daehyun to get frustrated, he wanted Daehyun to get tired to the point he regrets living, he wanted to torture and traumatise him to that point just like he lived all these past years.

The scene when Daehyun killed his parents in front of his eyes is still fresh like a leaf in his mind.

But that wasn't it nowadays, these days he hardly gets mad or lose himself into the horrors of his mind, and there was only one reason.

His angel.

His Jungkook.

Jungkook hadn't talked much about yesterday with Taehyung, he was acting normal but Taehyung knew he was hurt but trying to be strong. He was proud of his baby, and even if he can't be strong, he will be there besides him to hold him at all times.

"What's in the bag Koo?" Taehyung asked giving a side look to Jungkook who was looking in his bag on his lap for something. There were some wires, earpieces along with some clothes.

"My plan." Jungkook replied as he slightly shivered when he felt Taehyung's hand over his thigh while he drove with the other.

"Aren't you already wearing clothes?" Taehyung's reply came as he pinched's Jungkook's thigh through the ripped jeans he was wearing only for his hand to get smacked away.

Jungkook hissed at him as he rubbed his skin,
"I am but these are for the mission." Jungkook said and then turned the other way pouting slightly because Taehyung actually pinched him hard.

It hurts okay?

But he knew he was too petty to actually say it.

Taehyung parked the car in his club's parking lot and came outside to open the door for Jungkook.

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