Chapter 21: The V.

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"But why do we need him? You know I won't run away baby." Taehyung said making Jungkook stop in his tracks and then turn to give Taehyung an icy glare.

"First of all he isn't here to prevent you from running away because I am very much capable of doing that. Second of all, I fucking know you Kim Taehyung, you wouldn't dare leave. So get that out of your head. I am not doubting you. He's just here because he was adamant on coming. He wanted to see your club again. It's as simple as that." Jungkook said and by the end his eyebrows shot together when Taehyung let out a chuckle?

He had the audacity to chuckle when Jungkook is scolding him!

Taehyung couldn't help himself when the cute little pout deepened on Jungkook's self.

Jungkook read his thoughts and rolled his eyes and he was still pouting making Taehyung laugh out.

"Stop it!" Jungkook hissed at him. And started walking towards the entrance of the club.

Daniel had just run inside as soon as he had seen the exterior completely ignoring their existence, turns out even he didn't see the details of the club that day.

Typical Scooby!

"Let's go now." Jungkook said as he held the handle of the big door. Taehyung came running towards him and put a hand over his waist again.

As soon as they entered, Jungkook felt something, he felt so much different then the last time he came here. He wasn't feeling annoyed or irritated, he felt rather normal, even good in some aspects.

Who was going to tell him it's because of the hand that was around him holding him protectively?

As soon as they both entered there was this change in Taehyung's eyes as he looked around.

And just on que, so many men came to stand in front of Taehyung. All of them were dressed in black. They all came and stood there with their hands behind their backs and head bowed in respect,
"Welcome back V."

Jungkook was left speechless when Taehyung just nodded at them not even looking at them. They all scattered away as soon as they saw the nod.

And you know where Taehyung was looking?

Of course at his angel.

Jungkook shivered at the difference in Taehyung's aura.

"You g-go take care of y-your work. I'll f-find Scooby." Jungkook cursed himself mentally for stuttering. He was feeling this sudden urge to just bow his head in front of Taehyung too. He felt so submissive at the different aura.

"Will you be okay?" Taehyung asked in his soft voice yet the difference was clear, as he picked up Jungkook's tattooed hand and kissed the back of it.

He always wonders if Jungkook has any more tattoos on his body other than those on his hand.

If only he knew.

Jungkook shivered yet again at the different aura.

Was it because of the club?

Taehyung remembered Daniel telling him that Jungkook isn't a big fan of crowded places.

Jungkook nodded trying to assure Taehyung,
"Okay, Find Hobi hyung, I mean Hoseok Hyung, he'll show you around the VIP area. I know you must already know his face since you have all of our records." Taehyung finished and snickered at the shocked look on Jungkook's face.

Jungkook nodded yet again but then stopped breathing when Taehyung inched close to him, his breath hitting Jungkook's ear,
"I need words little bunny." Taehyung husked.

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