Chapter 64: Broken promises.

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"Y-you're joking right?" Jungkook stuttered looking at Taehyung with big scared eyes while holding his shoulders.

Taehyung looked down again not being able to match eyes with Jungkook,
"V what the hell are you saying? How did you lose it?" Jimin said approaching and standing besides Jungkook.

Taehyung looked up at all of them one by one, his face was completely stoic, void of any emotions,
"While I was leaving, I had it in my hand, because of the murder, there was a ruckus, someone harshly bumped into me and it fell from my hand. I tried looking for it but I couldn't find it." He said looking away when he accidentally made eye contact with Jungkook.

"So what you're saying is that you had your freedom in your hands, but you didn't even try to look for it for more than 5 minutes?" Suddenly Yoongi said making Jimin nod at his words.

While Jungkook was just staring at Taehyung waiting for him to just say something, anything that makes it better.

"It was really crowded." But that's all Taehyung said without looking at anyone in particular.

No one replied to him making him uneasy,
"Let's just go home, we'll find another way guys." He said trying to convince all of them. But the lack of emotion in his voice said something else.

"Kook!" Jimin called out Jungkook who turned to look at him and then Jungkook read his thoughts before Jimin nodded at him.

With that Jungkook again turned to look at Taehyung and then cupped his jaw from both sides making him face himself forcefully,
"Koo stop it!" Taehyung tried to avoid eye contact but Jungkook forced him to.

It's not like Jungkook can't read his thoughts without eye contact, its just that he can hear them better when he's looking dead in the eyes of the person.

"Where is the camera Tae?" Jungkook finally asked him as they both made eye contact. Jungkook could feel Taehyung's jaw clenching under his palm as if he was forcing himself to do something.

"I lost it in the crowd because someone bumped into me." Was what Jungkook heard in his mind as his dilated brown eyes stared at Taehyung's amber ones.

"What is he doing?" Yoongi asked Jimin who was staring at them as well.

Even before Jimin could say anything,
"You guys should leave." Jungkook said without breaking eye contact with his boyfriend. His eyes back to normal now.

"What? What are you saying Kook? What were you doing just now!" Yoongi asked all the things that confused him. Jungkook's behaviour was really odd.

Jungkook looked at Jimin and gave him pleading eyes, who understood right away.

"Let's go, I'll tell you, for now let's go." Jimin said to Yoongi who was looking at him in disbelief.

"But what about the plan?" Yoongi asked looking at all of them.

"Hyung please." Jungkook said turning to look at Yoongi and Yoongi really couldn't resist it so he just grunted and turned around to leave with Jimin following him.


"Let's go home too Ko-" Taehyung started but his eyes widened when he saw Jungkook had turned around and was walking inside the party hall again which was now empty.

He walked behind Jungkook,
"Koo what are you doing?" He asked but Jungkook ignored him and just started looking around the hall.

There were a few police officers there but they didn't dare stop Jungkook knowing who he was. And seeing the intimacy between the two, they didn't stop Taehyung as well.

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