Chapter 59: The hero.

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"Officer Jeon long time no see!" Lee Ji-ho said standing there with a girl at his gunpoint.

"Drop the act Ji-ho! You're surrounded!" Jungkook said, both hands holding the gun still high up towards the man.

All of them had managed to get everyone out of the bank besides two girls. One was at gunpoint with Lee Ji-ho. And the other was standing behind some of the men of him.

Almost 13 men of Lee Ji-ho had been knocked out already. 7 of them were left. But he believed his team could handle them and the second girl.

He just needed to handle Lee Ji-ho and get the first girl free.

"You seriously think I care? You know very well, I won't think before shooting this bullet right through her head!" The man said and hit the gun right at the back of the girl's head who screamed in pain.

Jungkook eyes widened and he quickly took a step back,
"Calm down will you?" He hissed at the man seeing the girl crying in pain. She looked like a teenager. He just wanted to save her.

"Put your gun down and I'll think!" Lee Ji-ho said smirking seeing Jungkook's turmoil.

Jungkook looked around at his team and it looked like they were handling the other men pretty well. He sighed and hurriedly put his gun down when he saw the man was about to hit the girl again.

"Now what?" Jungkook asked him with a frustrated voice. He had his arms up in surrender in order to not trigger the man.

"Kook! What the fuck are you doing?" Eun Woo yelled out when he saw what Jungkook was doing.

Jungkook in return just showed him his hand to keep him calm. He looked at his team and nodded at them telling them that it's okay and he'll handle it. They just need to handle the other men.

"Now, we walk out of this bank, and only you follow me." Lee Ji-ho said and Jungkook groaned in annoyance knowing how the odds wouldn't be good for him.

Suddenly he made eye contact with Lee Ji-ho and without even thinking his eyes dilated.

"This wasn't a robbery was it?" Jungkook asked looking into Lee Ji-ho's thoughts. He read that the intel about the robbery was planned by Lee Ji-ho himself as well.

"You're smarter than I thought!" The man replied smirking.

"What do you want from me huh? This is about your father isn't it?" Jungkook snapped at the man while smirking.

Lee Ji-ho's eyes widened as he heard that,
"W-what? How do you know that?" He yelled pressing the gun into the girl's head who cried in fear.

"S-sir, please s-save me!" She begged looking at Jungkook who's eyes softened.

"Hey, it's okay, I'll get you out of here okay?" He said talking to the girl softly who nodded in return despite her shaking body. She somehow felt that she could trust the man.

He then looked at Lee Ji-ho, who was still shocked,
"I get it, your father was killed by my father and now you want revenge, is that right?" Jungkook asked him smirking while seeing the face of the guy turning pale.

Suddenly the man yelled,
"YES! That's right! And am gonna get my revenge from you! Now if you don't want me to fucking kill her, let's go out of here shall we?" He roared at Jungkook who nodded at him.


Because this time Jungkook couldn't play any tricks. This time he could actually read Lee Ji-ho's mind and he knew the man will kill the girl if he tries anything. The man had no fear about his own life what so ever.

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