Chapter 70: Out of hands.

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"You what?"

"I searched every single database of every single station in Seoul."


"How many times are you gonna make me repeat it Scooby?"

"Until I fucking understand!" Daniel yelled at Jungkook who was sitting while leaning over Taehyung's front on the single bed in the room.

"Understand what?" Jungkook said in an annoyed voice. He wanted to rest with his boyfriend but Daniel won't leave them alone.

"Understand how stupid and dumb can you be?" Daniel said and looked at Jimin who put a hand over his shoulder to calm him down since his voice was raising a lot.

"Taehyungie?" Jungkook called out his boyfriend and looked up at Taehyung who hummed and looked down at him with a soft smile.

"I think he's talking about you." He said and the soft smile on Taehyung's face dropped in a second and he gave a dead look to Jungkook who chuckled out seeing that.

"I am talking to you Jeon Jungkook." Daniel hissed out again but he was startled badly when someone glared at him.

"Kim." Daniel quickly corrected himself clearing out his throat since that word came out broken and rather girlish because of his fear.

"Anyways, do you even realise what have you done? How did you even manage to sneak in to the main system rooms? Even the commissioner needs permission to enter there. Where all the files are from all the previous cases." Daniel said putting both his hands over his hips and glaring at Jungkook.

Even before Jungkook could say anything, Taehyung asked,
"Is it not allowed? Doesn't Koo work right under the commissioner?"

Daniel looked up at Taehyung and sighed,
"He does hyung, but he doesn't realise what he did. If someone knew he did all that, he could be suspended or worse, even arrested!" Daniel said making Taehyung's eyes widen in surprise as he looked at Jungkook.

Jungkook frowned as he saw all the shocked eyes on him, he looked at Jimin and then at Taehyung and then glared back at Daniel for doing this to him. Daniel simply looked the other way.

"Is it true Koo? Can you get arrested for this?" Taehyung asked calmly but his eyes were filled with concern.

Jungkook who was half lying and half seated over him, put a hand over his chest,
"Even if they get that it was me, they can't do anything against me." He concluded but everyone just got more confused.

Jungkook sighed at these dumbheads,
"It was evidence guys. That was hidden. They can't possibly target me without getting their own asses in trouble. Get me now?" He said and they all nodded like obedient kids.

"See my Koo is the smartest!" Taehyung said to Daniel who rolled his eyes.

Jimin too resisted the urge to roll his eyes,
"I want my boyfriend back please." He talked to himself feeling rather sad.

"What do you mean? Where's hyung?" Jungkook who heard him asked as he turned to look at Jimin.

"You're asking that? After ignoring him for two fucking days!" Jimin told him as he dejectedly sat down at the couch holding his head in his hands.

"I wasn't ignoring him." Jungkook spoke but his voice turned lower at the end. Taehyung understood and just turned him around hugging him close to his chest. Jungkook's legs crossed at Taehyung's back.

"I know angel. You were just overwhelmed right?" Taehyung said and Jungkook hummed back over his chest, nodding as his cheek rubbed over the fabric of the patient's outfit he was wearing, his nose stuffed to his skin below his collar bone.

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