Chapter 12: New Friend?

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The silence was too thick for Taehyung as he kept looking at his hands. The person or should he say 'the best friend' of his angel was sitting besides him with the same look on his face.

Though he looked even terrified than Taehyung, Taehyung wondered why.

But none of them had the courage to look up at Jungkook who was sitting opposite them and digging their souls out with his eyes.

Taehyung gulped slightly looking up to see Jungkook's jaw clenched and veins popping in his neck. He looked pissed.

But no matter how scary Jungkook looked, he looked hotter even more. Taehyung mentally slapped himself for thinking such things in this situation.

Jungkook ran his fingers in his hair and gritted his teeth at the two male,"Talk!" He hissed at them

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Jungkook ran his fingers in his hair and gritted his teeth at the two male,
"Talk!" He hissed at them.

Before Taehyung could say a word Daniel started talking,
"I just came to check up on you Kook when he literally threw me on the ground like I was nothing!" Daniel pouted saying this.

"At 12 in the night, you came to check up on him?" Taehyung asked suspiciously looking at Daniel with slight mad face.

He was jealous and wondered how many times has this so called best friend entered his angel's house at this time without even telling Jungkook.

"So what? It's completely normal between us, right Kook?" Daniel said and looked at Jungkook with a small smile which turned into a pout when Jungkook didn't respond.

Jungkook wasn't looking at them at the moment but then turned back again to look at them with dark eyes,
"I don't fucking care how you guys ended up in that situation neither do I want to hear it. All i want to know is HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GUYS MANAGE TO BREAK A LAMP? What are you guys? Two? Seriously?" Jungkook started calmly but then shouted and then calmed down again.

"Sorry Koo, it won't happen again, I just acted on instinct. I thought he was a threat." Taehyung calmly said making Jungkook sigh and then nod.

Taehyung always has a way with his words, making Jungkook melt like a puddle.

"Its fine guys, let's just sleep okay?" He said making Daniel shocked at how fast Jungkook calmed down as it is almost impossible to calm the scary bunny.

But he was still happy he didn't get punished, because Jungkook's punishments can be very torturous. If this was just about Daniel, he would have made Daniel do 100 pushups or make him clean his entire house.

He was glad Taehyung saved him. He smiled looking at Jungkook who already guessed the reason and rolled his eyes.

Seeing Daniel smiling at Jungkook made Taehyung poke his cheek with his tongue in jealousy. He wasn't liking this situation at all!

 He wasn't liking this situation at all!

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