Chapter 45: Purple.

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"I hate you."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"Why are you sitting on my lap then?"

Jungkook didn't reply to that and just stuffed the piece of pancake in his mouth once again ignoring the human he was literally sitting over.

Why you might wanna know?

Its because the second he sat on the chair, he felt like his ass was lit up again.

Jungkook was so fucking pissed at the hairbrush, he literally picked it up and threw it out the window the first thing in the morning.

Throwing a tantrum at his boyfriend who couldn't do anything about it but simply pull him over his own lap to pacify the situation that he was responsible for of course.



"Little bunny?"


Finally Jungkook turned to look at him with a pout on his face. Eyes squinted into a glare but Taehyung didn't see any of that, because he was busy staring at the cheeks puffed out because of the pancakes in his mouth making him look like a...

"Mandu." And the word was out of his mouth even before he could think about it.

The gasp from none other than the person who he just referred to as 'mandu' was what made him realise he fucked up.

But he was surprised when Jungkook didn't say a word, kept the chopsticks on the table and simply got up from over Taehyung only to be pulled back again, he thrashed in Taehyung's hold who hugged him tightly by his waist keeping the bunny still.

"Am sorry, am so sorry. I didn't mean to call you fat, but you just looked so cute with puffed cheeks, that's why I said. Please don't be mad angel, boyfie's sorry." Taehyung immediately apologised to him. He didn't want Jungkook skipping on his food again.

Besides he actually just said it without thinking, just the pale cheeks reminded him of it. He resisted the urge to smack his own head.

Jungkook still pouted but turned around to face Taehyung, he hugged him tightly keeping even his feet crossed behind Taehyung's back,
"Feed me. Am tired." He whispered into Taehyung's ear who was quick to follow the command.

"With pleasure baby highness." Taehyung said and smiled hearing Jungkook's giggle in his ears. Slowly he fed Jungkook and he wasn't even surprised that when he finished feeding his baby, his baby started feeding him.

"You must be hungry too, from all the work you did yesterday." Jungkook said chuckling as he fed Taehyung with his own hands.

"Then I think you should have more since I honestly think you did most of the work yesterday." Taehyung replied and Jungkook chuckled again because it was actually kind of true.

Taehyung had realised it in the morning only that the whole situation that occurred yesterday, not a single fucking thing happened because he wanted it, everything happened because Jungkook wanted it, everything that happened, happened because Jungkook chose to let it happen.

One word from his mouth and everything would have stopped right then. But it did not. And the stupid thought that Taehyung had that he was the one in fucking control was proved wrong in the morning itself.

Jungkook had teased him that he wasn't good with knots making him frown because as much as he could remember not once was Jungkook able to escape the bonds over his hands yesterday night.

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