Bonus Chapter 2

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"Come on wake up now." Jungkook called out for the nth time to his sleepy husband who didn't even move an inch, too deep in sleep.

Jungkook sat down on Taehyung's stomach and leaned down to kiss him all over his face,
"Tae." He whispered, his lips hovering over Taehyung's forehead.

Taehyung hummed in return and just made a peaceful expression when Jungkook kissed him on both his cheeks.

He smiled when he got a gentle peck over his lips but he was still sleeping,
"Come on Mr. CEO, you need to go to the office." Jungkook said softly pushing Taehyung's hair back.

Taehyung in return just hummed in return,
"Come on wake up now or I'll not give you any kisses today." Jungkook warned but even that too didn't affect the sleeping log at all.

Jungkook sighed and got up, he glared at Taehyung who was so deep in sleep he didn't even realise Jungkook got up from over him.

He sighed and walked out of the room wearing his watch, he had just taken a step out of the room when his little sunshine came running into his arms,
"Koo morning Dad." Sa-Rang said softly kissing him on the cheek and then hugging him tightly, stuffing her face in his neck as he stood up picking her up.

Jungkook chuckled at the cute greeting and then kissed her head,
"Good morning little princess." He said hugging her close and dancing around the living room making her giggle.

Sa-Rang pulled back from his neck and looked at him cutely,
"Dadda sleepy?" She asked and Jungkook nodded with a pout, which she didn't like so she pulled on his cheeks and made him smile again.

"Dad pretty smile, no sad face Dad." She mumbled and he chuckled before kissing her forehead.

"Okay baby. Now how about you go and try to wake Dadda? He's late for work but won't wake up." Jungkook said and saw how Sa-Rang's eyes lit up with mischief as she heard that.

She was quick to jump down from his arms and then motioned towards Bam,
"Let's go wakey Dadda, Bam." She said before dashing inside their room like a little rocket.

Jungkook shook his head with a gentle smile on his face as he walked to the kitchen to get them a quick breakfast.

Sa-Rang ran inside the room and looked at Taehyung who was sleeping soundlessly. She jumped over his stomach and he didn't even flinch.


"Dadda, Rang want cuddles!"

"Dadda wakey." She said patting his cheeks but he didn't wake up neither did he even move.

She pouted and looked at Bam who just tilted his head confused as to what is he supposed to do.

She then suddenly giggled looking back at Taehyung and even if Bam didn't understand her, he knew one thing, it wasn't supposed to be good.

Sa-Rang then looked back at Taehyung and giggled once she moved close to his ears,
"Dadda, Dad gone, he didn't even have breaky." She said loudly to him and boom.

The sleeping log woke up.

He sat up so quickly that if it weren't for his fast reflexes, baby Sa-Rang would have flown off the bed like a little ball.

"What? Why? Why didn't you stop him, little angel?" He said as he quickly stood up and put her on the bed before he ran to his phone.

"Dad looked mad, Dadda. Scary." Sa-Rang said with a fake action of shivering.

Taehyung gulped at that,
"Really, he looked mad? Fuck." He said but lowered his voice to not let Sa-Rang hear the curse word.

He picked up his phone and quickly called his husband, he frowned when suddenly the door to the room opened and Jungkook came in, with one hand holding a tray of food and the other holding his phone,
"Why are you calling me when I am right here?" He asked with a confused expression.

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