Chapter 48: Flashback.

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"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?" Taehyung growled at Daniel who cowered in fear but he also knew Taehyung had to face it.

"So you're telling me, he didn't fucking eat or drink anything for two fucking weeks?" Taehyung hissed and groaned when Daniel nodded.

"But I got someone to put a glucose drip on him, we can do that if he doesn't wake up soon." Daniel said as if it was the most normal thing.

"Shut up! Just shut up!" Taehyung harshly told him not liking the way Daniel was talking about Jungkook not waking up soon.

A sudden whimper broke through the room getting both the males' attention back to Jungkook.

"You're okay, you're okay, hyung's here." Taehyung mumbled softly in his ear and he surprised Daniel when Jungkook actually stopped whimpering and was just frowning as if just sleeping and not passed out.

"Oh baby." Taehyung softly whispered when he felt Jungkook was burning up really bad.

He looked at Daniel with pleading eyes,
"He can listen to you hyung, he might wake up sooner too if you keep talking to him. For now we need to get his fever down quick." Daniel said impatiently.

"How do we do that? He can't even have any medicine!" Taehyung said trying to think of ways to get Jungkook's fever down.

He picked up another towel and wetted it before cleaning the sweat over Jungkook's forehead and neck.

As he cleaned Jungkook's neck, Jungkook's head lulled back lifelessly making Taehyung bite his tongue to not break down there and then, his chest felt constricted again.

"That's not gonna work hyung, he needs a bath, I'll fill the bathtub with ice water." Daniel said making Taehyung look at him in disbelief.

"What the fuck do you mean ice bath? He's having a fucking fever not a neural breakdown. And is that how you treated him last time? Do you even know how harmful ice bath is in this state?" Taehyung suddenly scolded him, he pulled Jungkook close to his chest, scared Daniel will damage his fragile baby.

Not so fragile, but we get the point.

"I did, and it did help too." Daniel tried to reason.

"And then what happened huh? Say it!" Taehyung said seeing the hesitation over Daniel's face.

"His temperature dropped really low and I had to warm him up then." Daniel said scratching the back of his head.

Taehyung stared at him with disbelief flowing through his flaring nostrils,
"What the fuck Kang Daniel? What is Jungkook to you huh? An experiment? How fucking dumb are you? Are you sure you're a cop." He hissed at the man.

"I am, but google said it would work okay?" Daniel replied biting his lips nervously.

Taehyung scares him okay? Its not his fault.

Taehyung was staring at him with a blank face, he closed his eyes, taking deep breaths,
'You promised Koo, you won't kill Daniel, calm down Taehyung. You need to calm down the fuck down.'

He opened his eyes and looked at Daniel,
"Get out."

Daniel squinted his eyes at Taehyung,

"I said get out of the room. I will give him a lukewarm water bath, since he has a fever, even that would help to cool him down a bit." Taehyung told Daniel who made an 'O' face but then frowned.

"But I have already seen him before."

"KANG DANIEL YOU REALLY WANT TO DIE TODAY RIGHT?" And the male didn't waste a second before running out of the room and closing the door behind him.

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