Chapter 6: The date.

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"Hey little bunny, it's me Taehyung,

I know we didn't get much time with each other, but i really wanted to get to know you better. So if you do feel like it, I would love to meet you again.

I will be waiting for you at the cafe we met last time in the evening at 6 pm today. I hope you come and bless me with your presence."

-P.S, It's a date.

A blush came over his face as he read the card a second time. He had just entered his station when someone sent him a big bouquet of blue roses, his favourite along with a card.

He figured Taehyung must have gotten to know his station somehow and didn't dwell on the matter much, besides he was too busy feeling special to think about anything else

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He figured Taehyung must have gotten to know his station somehow and didn't dwell on the matter much, besides he was too busy feeling special to think about anything else.

"Is this from that Yugyeom guy again? Want me to teach him a lesson again?" Yoongi's voice broke his train of thoughts and he looked up from his table to see Yoongi standing there.

"No hyung, it's not him. It's from someone i met recently." Jungkook didn't say much. He had just met Taehyung once, ofcourse he wasn't going to brag about him to his brother this soon.

Yoongi frowned at Jungkook's words, but he wasn't a nosy person. He knew if it is something big Jungkook will tell him so he shrugged off the matter and they started talking about their recent case.


"Do i look good Scooby?" Jungkook asked for the 100th time making Daniel groan.

"Yes Kook, you look absolutely perfect, don't worry he'll love it." Daniel replied. He was sitting on Jungkook's bed looking at Jungkook who was standing in front of the mirror.

"I don't know, am i doing right by going?" Jungkook asked raising both his eyesbrows.

He was worried about his uncle a bit. As he had been working day and night to help his uncle. They had managed to not let his uncle get arrested but his uncle was still a culprit of deeds he believes his uncle could never do.

He just wanted to get ahold of the person who did this to his innocent uncle.

"Yes kook, you are doing nothing wrong. You deserve to do things you like too. You can't just sit around and solve cases all day. Plus you did everything you could do. You have a life too remember? So go live it. And i know you need this break. Now go have fun on your date okay?" Daniel smiled which Jungkook returned.

Daniel honestly doesn't like Jungkook's undying love for his uncle. His uncle seems too fake to Daniel. It feels like he pretends to care.

"Thanks Scooby. You're the best." He hugged Daniel who hugged back.

"That i know. By the way, do take your gun with you, who knows he might end up being a killer." Daniel said laughing and Jungkook laughed back.

"Yea yea."

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