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Solas lay comfortably in a field of flowers, listening to the sounds of nature

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Solas lay comfortably in a field of flowers, listening to the sounds of nature. It felt good to be away from all the noise back home. It never ended with the talk of humans and the threat of war...all while knowing that nobody was going to do anything about it. Everyone wanted so desperatly to cling to home but Solas thought that leaving and starting anew in a different forest was a much better idea. Pride had no worth once you were dead. It didn't matter at the end of the day, though. Nobody cared what Solas had to say so he just lay and relax. Enjoying life while it was here. He closed his eyes, thinking that maybe this place would be good for a nap.

The sound of fluttering followed by footsteps catches Solas's ear. He gives a minor sigh, annoyed at the fact that his relaxation was about to be interrupted.

"How'd you know where I'd be?" Solas questions.

"The tree ents where kind enough to point me in your direction." Responded a voice much too familiar for Solas' liking.

A shadow casts over him, blocking the warmth of the sun. Solas opens his eyes to see Aodh, his caretaker.

 Solas opens his eyes to see Aodh, his caretaker

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"How nice of them." Solas regards somewhat sarcastically.

"They're just looking out for you." Aodh comments. "As am I, young prince."

"Don' me prince." Solas replies. "The monarchy ended the day I was born."

"The kingdom would do well to recognize your royal heritage." Aodh says.

Solas sits up, knowing that Aodh wouldn't be leaving him alone for a bit. "I'd rather they not. I like the thing we have going right now. I don't interfere in their business and they don't interfere in mine."

Aodh goes to speak but is interrupted by another sudden insert from Solas.

"Besides...the Asura recognize me as their prince."

Aodh shakes his head. "The Asura and the Deva should recognize their prince. Hybrid creatures afford little advantage when it comes to politics."

"What politics?" Solas questions. "Everyone here is almost always on the same page and we've been stuck in this forest since way before I was born. And we've never managed to establish an outside connection."

"There may come a day."

"I have my doubts." Solas mumbles. He looks to Aodh. "So did you just come here to passive aggressively try to get me to resume training to retake the throne or did you come here to talk about something that isn't a waste of time?"

"If you prove yourself, the council might abdicate the throne to you." Aodh comments in passing. "But I actually came to extend an invitation."

Solas raises a brow in intrigue, prompting Aodh to continue speaking.

"Councilor Kelby's daughter just had her wings come in and he's celebrating the occasion tomorrow. She's personally invited some potential suitors and your name is on that list."

Solas rolls his eyes and flops back into the flower bed, his head resting in his palms. "I couldn't be any further from interested."

"Her wings really are quite beautiful, Prince. I implore you to give it a chance."

"So are your wings, so are Kayden's wing, so will mine when they sprout." Solas comments. "Thanks but no thanks. I'm not interested in some boring old traditions."

Aodh gives a deep sigh. "Fine. Since I will be attending, may I ask what your plans for tomorrow are so I know where you are."

Solas shrugs. "Probably haunt the groves."

"That's really close to the edge of the forest." Aodh says with concern. "I don't want a repeat of what happened when you were little."

"I'll be fine." Solas assures. "The Asura will take care of me." Solas glances at the scar on his left shoulder, a memory of a young human stabing his blade into that very shoulder flickers across his mind. "Besides...I can take care of myself, now." Solas comments as he makes thorned vines grow from the ground around him in a menacing manner.

An uneasy look spreads across Aodh's face but he concedes. "Just be careful."

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