The Book

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Inuwa's eyes crack open as he struggles to pull himself out of sleep. He hadn't fully recovered from the previous day yet but responsibility called. The young boy drags himself out of bed and goes to check on his father. Seeing that Nagona was still asleep, he resolves to prepping for the day on his own. First, Inuwa concocts some medicine for his father and prepares breakfast for himself and the older man as well. He then gets dressed and takes his haul from the night before to sell and make a profit. The boy climbes back out of their home and yawns in the morning air. The eastern horizon was gave off a soft pink glow as the sun prepared to rise. It was still very early in the day.

Taking his assortment of magical finds, Inuwa journeys out to the inner city where the wealthier merchants lived.

Taking his assortment of magical finds, Inuwa journeys out to the inner city where the wealthier merchants lived

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Inuwa had become quite familiar with the usual vendors that his father sold to over the years. They were the very few who would give his father fair pay as apposed to all the others who shorted him on account of his lineage. Inuwa arrives at his first stop of the day. An apothecary that was well acquainted with Inuwa's family. Cormac was his name. He cared very little for one's lineage or nobility. His only passion was medicine. He sought to learn about all medicine both magical and mundane, not unlike Inuwa with his alchemy.

"Well if it isn't Nagona's boy." Cormac greets. "Where's yer father at, lad?"

"He's been under the weather lately." Inuwa explains.

"Will he be popping in for a visit then?"

Inuwa shakes his head. "He's stubborn as always. If he gets any worse I'll drag him here whether he wants to or not."

"In that case, I suppose you're here to sell me material." Cormac deduces.

"Mmmhmm." Inuwa nods his head before reaching into his bag and pulling out jars of various plants he'd scavenged from the forest. "I have a bit of the usual stuff and I also managed to secure some non typical things. Do you have any use for myrkálfar root?"

"Uh-aye..." Cormac says, a bit surprised. "I haven't seen one of these in a few years. How'd you manage get yer hands on them?"

"I recently got very lucky." Inuwa lies.

"It appears I have as well." Cormac regards. "The end of the war really slowed down production ad with other kindoms developing competitive trade, business has been slow."

"Well if I keep getting lucky you'll be the first person I sell to." Inuwa swears. "Just keep it between us.

"Sure thing." Cormac agrees. The older man tallies up all of the material he has use for before preparing Inuwa's pay. "Here you go." He places a sac of coin into Inuwa's hand. "Thirty silver and thirty-six copper pieces."

Inuwa prepares to take his earnings and move on to sell the rest of his material.

"One more thing." Cormac says, grabbing the young boys attention once more.

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