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Frigid cold blows under Inuwa's cloak as he treks through the snow

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Frigid cold blows under Inuwa's cloak as he treks through the snow. Even with his cloak, the cold bit deep. Meanwhile, Solas was always only wearing shorts and barefoot and seemed to be having no problem with the cold what so ever. Inuwa pulls out an elixir designed specifically for this section of the forest. He drinks it and feels his body heat rise to counter act the ridiculous cold. Inuwa looks back. He could see the entire sylvan and slopes from here. How far up had they climbed so far?

"So what'd your people say about the humans in the forest?" Inuwa asks, trying to fill the air with something other than the howling wind.

Solas suddenly stops walking. "Nature's breath. I forgot."

"You what!" Inuwa nearly stumbles.

"Sorry." Solas turns back to the younger boy, his expression genuine. "After what you said a day ago and with Aodh treating me like a kid, I was too angry to remember."

Inuwa sighs. It wasn't Solas's fault but Inuwa needed the fairy kingdom to be on guard. He wanted Solas to be safe at all costs...even if it meant spilling secrets to the enemy...not that Inuwa ever saw fairies as enemies.

"I understand." Inuwa says. "Just...make sure they know so they can keep you safe."

The genuine concern in the hunter's voice warms the prince's heart.

"Where exactly are we going, anyway?" Inuwa asks.

"The Ymir Holly tends to grow in odd crevasses between stone. We're going up the plateau because there's most likely some in the face of the plateau itself." Solas explains.

"That makes sense." Inuwa says.

The two continue their trek upwards, the snow crunching under Inuwa's boots while Solas's footfalls remained completely silent.

"Whoa, look." Solas spontaneously says, pointing down the plateau in an angle.

Inuwa looks down the slope to see a herd of alpinthorns that appeared to be stalking something nearby.

Alpinthorns were feline-esq fae creatures with a set of antlers on their heads for self defense and for attracting a mate

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Alpinthorns were feline-esq fae creatures with a set of antlers on their heads for self defense and for attracting a mate. Not much was know about them but it was theorized that they might've had some kind of sixth sense because they were scarily efficient hunters. More so than any other know creature on the planet. Luckily they didn't really have a taste for fairies or humans.

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