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Inuwa sprints into the kingdom of Madoc, having had run non-stop through each realm of the forest. His lungs burned and his vision grew blurry but he couldn't waste a second. He needed his father to know the truth of the war. Then, perhaps they could spread the truth and dismantle the church's hold on the kingdom, ending the conflict between Madoc and the fairies. If both kingdom's could just work together from that point on, there wouldn't need to be any conflict.

Inuwa trips, crashing to the ground, the impact hurting his injured shoulder. Inuwa grits his teeth from the pain but picks himself up none the less, continuing his mad dash. Once the boy reaches home, he leaps down into the chamber.

"Father!" The boy calls out. "Father, I need to speak with you!"

An eery silence fills the home, causing dread to build up within Inuwa. The boy check his father's quarters and even his own to find no sign of Nagona. As Inuwa sat, wondering where his father could be, the sound of a horn blared in the distance. Inuwa didn't know what that horn meant, in fact it was odd for such a noise to be blaring at this hour but something in the young hunter's gut told him that his father's dissapearance was somehow related to it.

Inuwa climbs out of the hatch. It sounded like that horn had come from the inner city. The hunter rushes to investigate, sprinting through the kingdom yet again. He could see the lights of torches moving in the distance. Inuwa had a bad feeling about this. Though he hurried as fast as he could, the light in the distance began to fade. By the time Inuwa had reached the inner city, the commotion of whatever was happening had died, but there were people in the streets, witnesses to the events that Inuwa had missed. The hunter looks around frantically wanting to ask someone what was going on but the color of his skin made the upperclassmen pay him no mind as they passed by. But by some stroke of luck Inuwa spots a familiar face amongst the pedestrians. Cormac seemed to be returning home along with the many other upperclassmen.

"Cormac!" Inuwa calls, startling the man.

"Oh. It's just you, Inuwa." Comac calms as he realizes. "Congratulations on your father receiving official recognition from the huntsmen's guild."

"Huh?" The young hunter questions.

"Yeah. The Lord Chaplain and Head Huntsman Ronan held an official ceremony before heading out to the forest." Cormac explains.

Inuwa's eyes go wide. "Cormac. Why did they go out into the forest!?"

A worried look appears on Cormac's face, concerned about Inuwa's anxious behavior. "Not just them but every fairy hunter and some of the knights. The Lord Chaplain made a declaration that they'd return with enough resources to restore economic stability and promised to return with something to make the glory of the kingdom eternal."

Eternal? Inuwa only knew of one thing that could possibly be referring to. Solas.

"Shite. Shite! Fuck!!" Inuwa curses under hus breath.

"Are you alright?" Cormac, questions.

"I have to go." Inuwa replies, abruptly, sprinting off before Cormac could inquire further.

Inuwa rushes back home. He was tired. He hadn't slept since the night before and exhausted himself running across the entire forest to reach home. In his current condition, the young boy had little chance of catching up to his father in time or being able to make it back to Hawthorn at all but...Inuwa wouldn't just give up. His father never gave up on love, even as it withered away. His mother never gave up on life, even as she stared death in the face. Solas never gave up on freedom, even if he was only safe inside his gilded cage. So neither would Inuwa give up on change.

The hunter begins to gear up for the challenges ahead, preparing like never before. He knew he couldn't rush in with no plan so he filled his quiver with as many flask tipped arrows as it would hold and filed his belt with empty flask and a collection of icors and ethers. The boy strapped smaller flasks to his legs filled with his usual concoctions and filled his pack to the brim with all manner of flasks. He made a numbing medicine for his shoulder and threw on his tunic and cloak followed by strapping his father's sword and his bow to his back. And finally, Inuwa takes the iron dagger his father gave him. It weighed heavy in his hands. The memory of Solas's warm blood staining his hands played in the young hunter's mind as he stared at the blade. He could never redeem himself for hurting Solas in such a way...but he could keep the fairy prince safe from now on. Inuwa straps the dagger to his wrist, fully prepared to take on everything the world would throw at him tonight.

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