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"Inuwa. Inuwa. Son. Wake up." Inuwa tries to shut out his father's voice, wanting to sleep just a little bit longer. "Inuwa." His father calls again. He was being quite persistent this morning.

Suddenly Inuwa shoots up from where he lay, remembering that his father was supposed to be bed ridden. Standing before him was his old man, looking as healthy as a horse. Was he dreaming? Did the medicine work?

"Father!?" Inuwa questions.

"Morning, son. I seem to excellent shape today." Nagona smiles. He briefly furrows his brow, wondering how it was possible. "What was in that medicine you gave me?"

"Uhh-" Inuwa looks around, seeing that he'd fallen asleep on his father's floor. "Nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe you were just too strong to stay sick?"

Nagona's briefly stares at his son. He knew when Inuwa was lying or hiding something and he was doing it now...but this seemed like an odd time to lie about something. Plus the terminal illness didn't just go away over night...or at all. The man stood in confusion for a moment. What was going on?

"Maybe." Nagona agrees. "I feel like I could take on a Lycan." He says, genuinly happy.

"Don't be so rash, father. You of all people should know that." Inuwa disapproves.

Nagona chuckles. It was rather odd to have his own sentiments be echoed back to him for once. He just felt so alive that it was uncanny. He was ecstatic but at the same time he couldn't get past how it was even possible. Was it some sort of miracle? Or maybe it had something to do with what Inuwa was hiding.

"I'm going to make breakfast." Nagona states.

Inuwa is quick to stand. "Oh no you don't! You're still getting rest. We don't know for sure if you're actually better or if this is just a fluke. I'll handle breakfast." The boy marches to the other room to start cooking on the stove.

Nagona looked at his hand and the rest of his body. He was better than ever. He couldn't belive it was possible. Could his son have used the icor of a fairy to help him? Logically that wouldn't work but Nagona couldn't think of an explanation for how great he felt. Could Inuwa have finally broken past his short comings and taken the life of a fairy? Was that what he was hiding?

Not much longer later, the father and son enjoy a meal together. Inuwa was beyond relieved that his serum seemed to have worked. He'd have to thank Solas as soon as he saw him again.

"I feel like I'm well enough to go out into the forest again." Nahona comments.

Inuwa puts his bowl down sternly. "I told you to rest for the day. I'll be able to handle just one more day alone."

Nagona still felt that Inuwa was hiding something and it was starting to bother him. Had he been out of commission so long that Inuwa thought he could keep secrets from his father? Nagona eyes his son momentarily.

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