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Inuwa waits patiently outside of the doctor's quarters as he examined his father. The boy's leg bounced up and down impatiently. All he wanted was to know what medicines to give his father so he could get better sooner. He had been here all night already. After what seemed like forever, the doctor exits his quarters, having finished his examination. Inuwa stands, ready to hear what he needed to do to make his father well again. The doctor slowly removes his mask, revealing a somber expression to the boy. A sick feeling settles in the pit of Inuwa's stomach.

"Wh-what is it, doctor?" The boy questions nervously.

"I'm...so sorry." The doctor consoles. "Your father has the terminal illness."

His words crashed into Inuwa's reality, causing it to crumble and fall into the darkness. "What?" He questions, wanting desperately to believe that he had misheard the doctor.

"It's still in it's early stages but it is progressing rapidly. I'd say he has a month at most." The doctor explains further.

Inuwa's mother flashes across his mind. Was his whole family going to burn away just like that? Inuwa hadn't even become a man yet. He was going to be on his own before being of age to take care of himself properly. The boy felt light headed and was forced to sit back down.

"I've given him some medicine to slow down the progression of his illness so he should be coherent very soon. And I've also Witten a list of the medicines you'll need to keep his comfort as long as possible." The doctor places the list in Inuwa's lap but the boy barely notices. He was trapped within his own misery.
What could Inuwa possibly do? There was nothing that could cure the terminal illness. Nothing except...

Inuwa suddenly stands as he remembers that the essence of the Nature Boy was the only thing that might cure him. With the disease in it's early stages and medicine to hold it at bay he might not need to kill Solas to save his father. A little bit of blood would be all that he needed. Just enough to strengthen the man's life force and fight the disease off for good. But...could he ask such a thing of Solas. Inuwa already had taken so much from his friend. Not to mention that Solas was angry with him and probably didn't even want to see Inuwa again. But Inuwa had to risk it...to save his father. With determination building inside of him, the boy thanks the doctor and goes to retrieve his father. Carrying the man on his back to take him home. A harrowing task for most kids Inuwa's age but the boy had more strength than the average boy so this was a strain he could handle.

The boy carries his father across the kingdom and back to ther home, being extra careful as he climed down the ladder into the chamber. Inuwa carries nagona to his room and lays him in his bed upon which the man came to a little.

"Inuwa?" He questions.

"I'm here, father." Inuwa answers.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. "I should've listened to you."

"Save your strength, father." Inuwa advises.

"You shouldn't have to waste your efforts on me. You should leave me here and go start a life of your own." Nagona says.

"Don't speak nonsense. I'll find a way to save you." Inuwa replies to his father.

"Son. Your mother wouldn't have wanted you to-"

"I said I'll find a way!" Inuwa says more forcefully, not appreciating the man bringing his mother into this. "You just get some rest. I have something I need to take care of."

Inuwa leaves his father for now and gathers his gear. He reaches for his old iron dagger but pauses. What would Solas think if he saw that? He couldn't revel himself as the boy that had tried to kill him. Not now, Not like this. The young fairy hunter instead reaches fir his father's curved iron blade and throws it in his pack. Then he grabs his bow and his special arrows as well as as many flasks as he could take.

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