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Inuwa makes it back to the kingdom of Madoc just after the sun settles below the horizon. He sprints through the streets, focused only on returning home and curing his father as soon as possible. He was so focused infact, that he neglected to watch where he was going and slammed into a nightly bystander, rebounding onto the ground. The young hunter shakes his head, having been dazed by the sudden collision. He looks up, surprisingly having to strain his neck to gaze up at the stature of the man he'd accidentally assaulted. He meets the contempt filled eyes of the Lord Chaplain and his soul sinks.

'Uh oh.' He thinks to himself.

"Haven't you any manners, you tarred savage!?" The Lord Chaplain scowls.

"Uh-Sorry, Lord Chaplain." Inuwa apologizes, getting up and trying to be out of sight faster than a minute ago.

"Not so fast, Ape!" Bondrewd blocks Inuwa's path with his holy book. He looks Inuwa up and down. "Why are you dressed in that gear?"

"I-I-I'm a fairy hunter, sir." Inuwa stutters as he bows respectfully.

"A descendant of the conscripts, eh? Your life and service will pave the path to his holiness' ascension. It's pleasing to see some of your kind knowing their place."

Inuwa seethes on the inside. He didn't plan on giving his life for the cause of a charlatan but he held all of that in for his own good. "Thank you, Lord Chaplain."

"We had a setback today but very soon we shall press further into the Guillon Forest and restore this kindom to it's former glory during the days of the war. I hope to find you at the front lines when that day comes." Bondrewd says, smirking a bit.

"I...look forward to it." Inuwa lies.

"Get going now." Bondrewd says. "You look like you have a good haul and you should get somewhere safe with such precious things. There's a theif on the loose, you know."

Every cell in Inuwa's body turns to ice. The Lord Chaplain was no doubt referring to Queen Mab's diary going missing. That meant that they were searching for whoever took it. Inuwa briefly looks back at his pack where the diary lay.

"You're dismissed, boy." The Lord Chaplain reminds.

"Y-yes sir." Inuwa says as he makes himself scarce. He runs through the city, praying that he wouldn't bump into any more zealous believers of the faith.

Inuwa practically skids into the alleyway to reach home. He'd lost enough time already. Every second that passed meant that his father's sickness got worse and the chance of him being cured grew slimmer. The boy doesn't even climb down the ladder to inside he and his father's home, choosing to drop down to cut time. The boy wastes no time on getting to his alchemy table and grabbing as many medicinal herbs as he could find. He gets to work on grinding some herbs and isolating the chemicals of other's. First he makes an elixir to strengthen the body, this would hep the medicinedo it's job. Then he grabs the beaker with Solas's blood. He pours it into a mixture of other chemicals and then puts the beaker onto his extraction device; A device that ran a small electric current through an iron needle. The mixture turns into an ethereal gas before running through several tubes and being condenced back into a glowing liquid.

Inuwa removes the concoction and inspects it. If he's right, the magical icor from Solas's blood should completely purge the sickness from his father's body. Inuwa takes the medicines and rushes to his father's room. He still lay unconscious and in a cold sweat.

"Father." The boy shakes Nagona's unconscious frame. "Father, wake up."

Nagona stirs, his eyes barely opening to peek at Inuwa. "Hmm?" Is all he can manage to say.

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