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"Skall, look." Inuwa points urgently towards a disturbing scene unfolding below.

Skall followed Inuwa's outstretched finger, revealing a distressing sight: soldiers and hunters were corralling Asura into cold iron cages. The intent was evident – a grim fate awaited these creatures, destined for slaughter and preservation. The hunters, lacking sufficient preservative sap store fairies, hesitated in their macabre task, presenting a temporary window of opportunity.

With a determined purpose, Skall navigated through the labyrinthine foliage, making detours to intervene and rescue the captured fairies. In a display of coordinated action, Skall leaped high into the air, allowing Inuwa to dismount. A small flash flask hurled onto the ground disoriented the hunters, providing the duo a crucial advantage.

Utilizing his extensive training, Inuwa swiftly incapacitated the hunters in their bewildered state. Agile and precise, he moved with a dancer's grace, employing a combination of kicks, punches, and pommel strikes to render them unconscious. Meanwhile, Skall unleashed his formidable strength, sending soldiers flying like mere rag dolls in a frenzied rampage.

In the midst of the chaotic scene, Inuwa's voice pierced through the turmoil, "Skall! Don't kill them!" he shouted, the plea laden with a desire for a more compassionate resolution.

Skall, momentarily incredulous, held a soldier helplessly in his jaws

"I don't want anyone else to die because of this meaningless war." Inuwa explains. His frustration with the senseless violence of war was palpable. Skall was clearly frustrated with the request but acknowledged Inuwa's concern, and relented. With a controlled force, he slammed the soldier's head against a cage, rendering him unconscious without delivering a fatal blow, dropping the now subdued soldier to the ground, his gaze reflecting a mixture of emotions.

With the immediate threat neutralized, Inuwa turned his attention to the cages containing a diverse array of frightened fairies – Mushroom fairies, spriggans, sylphs, kobolds, and more.

"Hold on. I'll get you out," Inuwa assured them, positioning his blade at the locks, ready to liberate the captive creatures from their confinements.

Just before Inuwa manages to strike the locks, movement in the reflection of his blade alerts him to an otherwise unnoticed threat. The boy turns Just in time to block a slash from one of the enemy hunters he'd knocked out earlier. Apparently he hadn't hit this one quite hard enough.

"What the-. You're one of us." The enemy hunter acknowledges.

Inuwa narrows his eyes before pushing the man back. "You've never allowed me or my father to be one of you?"

"Oh... you're Nagona's boy, aren't you? I thought he said you were the one that found the Nature Boy." The man questions. "Are you trying to steal his immortality for yourself?"

"Solas's immortality belongs to him!" Inuwa asserts.

"Solas? You learned it's name?" The man raises a brow. "Oh, I see. You're not greedy. You're just a traitor."

"Being a traitor implies that there's a right or wrong side to be-"

The man throws his sword in the middle of Inuwa's sentence. Luckily, the rogue hunter was quick enough to deflect the blade into the air. However, it only served to distract Inuwa long enough for the other hunter to draw his bow. An arrow comes flying at Inuwa who just barely manages to deflect it with his blade. Then another. Inuwa grabs the other hunter's falling sword in the heat of the moment and begins slashing through a volley of arrows. Once Inuwa regains his metaphorical footing and adjusts to the hunter's firing rhythm, he leaps into the air to tries to slam the butts of both swords into the man's head but he dodges out of the way, grabbing more arrows from his quiver. Just as Inuwa slashes through another arrow, Skall shoulder rushes the hunter, sending him flying into a tree and knocking back unconscious.

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