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"Shite!!" Inuwa exclaims as he and Solas slip down an icy tunnel

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"Shite!!" Inuwa exclaims as he and Solas slip down an icy tunnel. No matter how the pair scrambled, they couldn't slow their decent. They just fall further and further away from the others, watching the light of day dim as they went. Eventually the two boys are spat out of the tunnel and fall on top of one another once they reached their unwanted destination. Both boys get up, dust themselves off and soothe the injuries from their crash.

"Solas! Are you okay!?" Calls Kayden's distorted voice from the tunnel.

Solas is quick to give a response. "Yeah! I'm fine! Inuwa's okay too!" Solas yells back up the tunnel.

"Hang on! We're coming to get you!" Kayden says.

"No, wait!" Solas is quick to stop him. "That'll just make things worse."

Only Kayden could fly properly so only he would be able to get back out. He couldn't very well just leave Rune and Skuld behind either. Nor could he carry everyone out.

"Do you think you could use your magic to get us back out?" Inuwa questions.

Solas shakes his head. "There's no plants or water down here. If I shift the stone, the cave could collapse
If I move the ice from the tunnel it could collapse as well and if either of those occur, my magic isn't strong enough to deal with it."

Inuwa thinks for a moment. "We'll just have to find a safer way out."

"I agree." Solas nods. The prince turns back to the tunnel to shout back up to the trio. "Kayden, Rune, Skuld! You guys just head home! Inuwa and I will find another way out and I'll see you guys back at Hawthorn!"

There's a long drawn out silence from the other end before Solas gets a response. "Okay! Be careful Solas!"

With that established, the two boys focus on getting a grasp of their surroundings. They had fallen into a massive cave system with glowing gems decorating all of the walls.

"Where are we?" Inuwa questions out loud.

"The helheim caverns." Solas answers. "We're beneath the Plateau and directly beneath the Alfheim Jungle."

"Oh!" Inuwa responds. "It's a lot more colorful than I was imagining it to be."

"This place has a unique ecosystem." Solas says. "It's mostly lifeless but with the roots of the great tree reaching this deep, some of the bioluminecent plant matter seeps into the stone down here and golems spend all their time collecting it to make the glowing gems you see around here."

"Like clams and pearls." Inuwa correlates.

"What's a clam?" Solas asks suddenly.

Inuwa occasionally forgot that Solas wasn't very knowledgeable of things outside of the forest. "Oh...it's a creature that lives in the ocean. It collects minerals to make a smooth gem."

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