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Solas trudges inside the hallow of the Asgardian Tree, still upset about his interaction with Inuwa earlier. People stared as he walked by, his aura affecting the nature nearby. The prince cared little for their judging eyes, however. He just wanted to go home and put the day behind him.

"Solas?" Calls an all too familiar voice in the distance. Aodh flies over to Solas's side, being the doting parent he always was. "You look upset. What happened?"

"It's nothing." Solas rejects.

"Hey, hey." Aodh pulls Solas to the side. "You can talk to me. What's going on?"

Solas avoids matching his caretaker's gaze at first, wanting to avoid the subject, but he needed answers. "Aodh." Solas looks him in the eyes with a stern and humorless glow in his own. "Did my father kill the human queen's son?"

Aodh wasn't able to hide the shock that came to adorn his features. "Who...who told you that?" The older fairy asks, nervously trying to steer the subject away. This did not go unnoticed by Solas who furrows his brow pensively.

"Did he??" The prince asks again, growing more worried that Inuwa's words may be true.

"Solas, it isn't becoming of a prince to ask such questions like-"

"Did he kill him?!" Solas snaps, having enough of Aodh's avoidance.

Many other Deva had stopped to watch and whisper about the troubled prince's outburst but Solas was used to being the butt end of gossip. He cared very little for the opinions of the shallow. All he cared about right now was an answer from Aodh.

"I...-" Aodh fumbles with the jewelry on his hands. "I wouldn't be able to say, young prince. Your father often went out on his own and did many things without the rest of us being privy." The older man explained.

Solas's jaw tenses and his gaze fell in disappointment. "...You're a terrible liar, Aodh. You're the only person old enough and close enough to my father to know."

"Solas, I-" The older fairy tries to go comfort the prince but is halted by Solas summoning thorns to block his path.

"Don't come near me!!" Solas yells. "Infact, stay away from me until you care enough to tell me the truth!!"

The boy storms away, calling down vines to rappel up the hollow to his room. Aodh looks on in sadness. He knew Solas yearned to know more of his mother and father but still...that information was much too divisive at the moment. Aodh looks down at Solas's thorns and recalls a memory from over sixteen years ago.

"Can you feel it?" Lady Titania asks.

"Can you feel it?" Lady Titania asks

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"No. Maybe they-" Oberon halts his sentance abruptly. "Wait." He moves his hand lower on Titania's very pregnant belly. "Yes. I feel them now."


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