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Inuwa sets out for the forest once more

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Inuwa sets out for the forest once more. He had to warn Solas of the potential threat of more hunters coming deeper into the forest. As the boy ran, something unusual jostled in his bag so he stops momentarily to check what it might be. Inside his bag he finds the book that he'd stolen off of the archbishop. He'd nearly forgotten about it since then. The Lord Chaplain said that this book threatened the rule of Primarch Ithavol. He wondered what it was. Still on his way to the forest, the young hunter opens the book to a random page and begins reading.

Pyromens XXX 342.
Oberon reappeared today after having been banished to the wilderness so many years ago. Though he is my ex husband and I once loved him dearly, I am disappointed to find that he has not perished. What's worse is that he appears to be as young as the day I banished him. As if his aging has halted completely or at least slowed significantly. He said he wanted to speak of an important matter...

Inuwa closes the book in shock. 'This is Queen Mab's diary.' The boy thinks to himself.

Why would the Lord Chaplain want this destroyed? This was an important piece of the kingdom's history

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Why would the Lord Chaplain want this destroyed? This was an important piece of the kingdom's history. What could it possibly contain that could cause them problems at this point? Inuwa decided that he would find the time later as he began to approach the forest. He races through the underbrush and into the thicket. These days, Inuwa had to be more cautios. He stops to listen not only for any potentially dangerous fairies, but for hunters as well. They still pressed into the thicket even without an order from Bondrewd.

After examining that the coast was clear, the young hunter presses closer to the glades until like usual, the eternal fog blocked his way. Now was the moment of truth. Inuwa withdraws the charm Solas gifted him. He takes a deep breath before stepping forward into the fog. The boy still half expected the fog to get into his head and leave him disoriented but just as Solas had said, the fog begins to part in response to the charm. The boy moves slowly in case the charm itself couldn't dissipate the fog fast enough, eventually making it to the glades. With the hard part over, Inuwa continues towards the Tir Na Nog.

Once the young hunter finds the river, he searches around for Solas but finds no sight of the boy. A feeling of worry settles in Inuwa's stomach. Solas was usually around before Inuwa was. Why was this time different?

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