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Inuwa and Solas come running out of the church to a shower of rice. The entire kingdom had come to witness their wedding, celebrating the first official union between a human and a fairy; Their marriage serving as a symbol of unity between man and faye. Both boys sprint to their carriage, smiles decorating their faces.

It had been three years since the fall of the fairy tree. In the aftermath Bondrewd and Primarch Ithavol's lies were exposed upon which the holy man was incarcerated, trialed and then sentenced to death for his machinations. However, he was spared the chopping block at Inuwa's behest and would sit comfortably in a cell for the rest of his days. The church itself became nothing more than a place for ceremony in the face of religious freedom.

Aodh took his rightful place on the throne of both the fairy kingdom and Madoc which was renamed Druid as the societies merged. He was now formally known as King Torin, though Solas still affectionately called him Aodh when it suited him. Though it took some time, the relationship between humans and fairies stabilized and only seemed to be getting better.

The kingdom was restored as a trading hub on account of hunters freely being able to take resources out of the forest though they are no longer allowed to hunt Deva or Asura. The seed of the fairy tree was also planted within the kingdom and had already grown into it's own small tree so while the magic of the forest grew weaker, the magic of the kingdom grew stronger. Some of the Asura and fae creatures have been migrating to the areas just outside of the kingdom over time. Eventually Druid would become home to all magical creatures.

Most of the fairy hunters left the huntsmen's guild, joining the new crownsguard, lead by Nagona himself.

And lastly, Inuwa and Solas had decided to go on a journey and see the world in all it's awe and beauty together. But first...they had one last thing they needed to do.

The sun reached it's peak in the sky, shining on Inuwa and Solas as they visited a very important sight. Inuwa knelt at his mother's grave which previously had been nothing more than a spruced up patch of dirt but was now dignified with a headstone and decorated with the preserved plants Inuwa collected from the forest.

As Inuwa gently touched the headstone, a soft breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying with it a sense of peace. Solas stood by his side, offering silent support as they reminisced about the journey that led them here. He thanked his mother one last time for teaching him to value all life indiscriminately.

"Thought I'd find you here." Calls a familiar voice.

Inuwa and Solas turn to see Nagona approaching. He was spiffied up in his crownsguard uniform, decorated with alcemichal flasks which had become a standard issue of the rank. He also wore an eyepatch over his damaged eye; It never quite got it's vision back.

"Father." Inuwa greets the man with an embrace. "You didn't have to come out all this way. We would've come to visit you before we set off."

"I know. But his highness insisted on bringing you two a wedding gift." Nagona gestures with a head bob.

Inuwa and Solas look out into the distance to see King Torin approaching on a horse drawing a wagon...albeit with some difficulty.

"He's uhh...been trying to learn how to ride horses lately. Said something about never getting the chance as a kid." Nagona explains. "He hasn't quite gotten the hang of it." The man blows between his finger tips, calling the horse with a high pitched whistle.

The horse suddenly darts forward, nearly knocking Torin from his saddle. Inuwa and Solas stiffle a chuckle as the man rides up.

"Your majesty." Inuwa bows, respectfully.

Torin climbs down from the saddle, his wings instinctively fluttering as he nearly falls. "Lovely to see you, prince Inuwa." He shakes the young man's hand, firmly.

Inuwa furrows his brow. "Oh yeah. I guess I am a prince, now."

"And what humble beginings you had to be of such regal status, now." Nagona comments.

"Where's my brother?" King Torin slips past the two former hunters to get to Solas.

"It's great to see you out of the castle, Aodh." Solas hugs his brother. Their relationship had improved significantly over the years.

"I know. Turns out, preserving political stability between two different species with vastly contrasting cultures affords one very little time for recreation." Torin jokes

"Nagona says you two brought some things for us?" Solas questions.

"That we did." Torin answers. He quickly flutters over to the wagon and conjurs up his magic to levitate several objects into the newlyweds' carriage. "We didn't want you to start your journey with nothing so we got you lots of preserved meats, herbs, spices, salt-"

"Your alchemy kit." Nagona adds.

Inuwa chuckles. "Thank you, but I haven't needed my alchemy in quite some time." The former hunter summons swirls of ichors and ethers into his hands, combining them in miniature dazzling displays of ice and sparks, seemingly a side effect of having the former fairy tree's magic pumping in and out of his heart.

"I just thought you might want the tools to further your studies." Nagona reasons.

Inuwa gives a gesture of unprecedented agreement.

"We also got you blankets for the winter." King Torin continues.

"And enough mead to last you at least two moons." Nagona finishes.

"Father!" Inuwa gasped, face flush with embarrassment.

Solas laughs at the older man's bluntness while Nagona himself grins, unapologetically.

As they pack the carriage with the thoughtful gifts, Inuwa turns to Nagona, gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you for everything, father."

Nagona clasps Inuwa's shoulder, pride evident in his gaze. "Your mother would be proud of the man you've become."

Solas embraces his brother once more. "We'll be back before you know it."

Torin chuckles, a warmth in his eyes. "Safe travels, my dear brother. May your journey be as fulfilling as you hope it will."

Tears begin to well up in Nagona's eye. Inuwa had grown to be so much like his mother...and so much like Nagona himself. But most importantly, he had grown onto his own man. The amount of pride the father felt was overwhelming.

"Are you getting misty eyed, father?" Inuwa asks with mock incredulity.

"Just the sun in my good eye?" The older man jokes before pulling his son into a strong embrace.

As both young men part from their caretakers, they exchange pleasantries with their in-laws. Inuwa gives his king a respectful bow once more and Nagona wouldn't let Solas off the hook without a hug of his own. Pretty soon both boys climb back into their carriage, ready to set out

As the carriage creaks into motion, Inuwa and Solas share a final glance with Nagona and Torin. The sun began to decend behind them, casting a golden glow on the path ahead-a path filled with newfound unity, magical wonders, and the boundless possibilities of their shared future.

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