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Inuwa scribbled away in his alchemical notebook, documenting new finds that he hoped would become useful in some way, later. The sound of the front hatch opening catches his attention. Had his father returned from selling their haul already? Closing his notebook for now, Inuwa exits his room to find his father looking quite frustrated in the chamber.

"Is everything alright?" The boy asks his father.

Nagona makes a scoffing noise. "Far from it I'm afraid. The value of those mushrooms have gone down. Something about new medicine in the east that's cheaper. We'll need to sell more if we want to make ends meet these coming days."

Nagona breaks out into a small coughing fit causing Inuwa to worry. "Are you coming down with something, father?"

"I should hope not." Nagona replies. "We need to go back into the forest."

A stern look appears on Inuwa's face, much like the one his father wore with consistency. Inuwa wasn't one to take sickness lightly.

"You stay and rest, I'll go alone." Inuwa says.

"No. It's much too dangerous for you, Inuwa." Nagona disputes.

Inuwa begins packing his flasks, bow and arrows. "I can take care of myself out there. Aren't you the one that trained me?"

Inuwa's father smiles, unable to argue against his son's logic. "Perhaps you are right."

"I'll be back before sundown." Inuwa says. "Get some rest."

With that, Inuwa climbs up out of the burrow of a home they resided in before heading out into the kingdom.

The young boy sifted his way through the busier streets where the poor traded amongst the poor. The city was always busy during the day and yet the wealth only went to the church in the form of taxes and donations. Inuwa's father wasn't too keen on the church's control over the kingdom. He was never one to believe that faith could be forced on the unwilling...especially if it conflicted with one's heritage. Inuwa himself ignores the political discord for now, focused solely on the task at hand. He heads to the outskirts of the kingdom, fixated on the Guillon forest. The window of time where the eternal fog would lift would be approaching but Inuwa wouldn't make it in time since he was leaving so late into the day. Usually a trip to the forest would be started at first light just to make sure that there was enough time to collect and leave before the fog returned. However, there was a solution to this problem.

Nature Boy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now