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"If anything happens, I'm right here," Solas reassures Inuwa

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"If anything happens, I'm right here," Solas reassures Inuwa.

The duo stood just beyond the abode of humanoid fairies, concealed from prying eyes. Inuwa's heart raced, but there was no room for second thoughts. He walked alongside Solas with unwavering confidence, believing that as long as they faced this challenge together, everything would be alright. He owed Solas that much.

No human had ever ventured this close to the mystical tree and lived to recount the tale. Up close, its radiant beauty surpassed Inuwa's imagination. The rainbow glow dispelled the night's uncertainty, emanating warmth and mysterious magic. Together, they entered the fairy village beneath the Asgardian tree, ready for their formidable task.

"Welcome to Hawthorn," Solas whispered as they entered. He didn't finish his sentence.

Inuwa observed humanoid fairies engrossed in various tasks-hunters with fresh kills, tailors showcasing new fashion, and musicians perfecting tunes. It felt more than routine; everyone was busy, oblivious to the two boys.

"They're preparing for a celebration," Solas noted. "Is it the Verdawood Festival already?"

"The what?" Inuwa inquired.

"The Verdawood Festival, celebrating the Asgardian Tree's annual growth," Solas explained.

A female fairy carrying a basket of flour glanced over, meeting Inuwa's eyes. She froze, fear evident in her widened eyes as the realization of locking eyes with a human struck. Inuwa fidgeted, anxiety building. The woman dropped the flour, screaming, amplifying Inuwa's guilt for causing such fear with his mere presence.

Her scream drew every fairy's attention, and all eyes focused on Inuwa. Instinctively, he stepped back, fear escalating. Solas swiftly positioned himself between Inuwa and the gathering crowd. The liveliness of the celebratory preparations faded into fearful whisperings of a human in the village. Inuwa feels that he wants to say convey in some way that he wasn't a hostile presence but he knew words would do nothing to soothe hundreds of years of bloodshed. For the first time since his mother's death, Inuwa felt helpless.

A bone tipped spear whizzes through the air, stopping barely an inch from Inuwa's eye. The hunter stumbles back and falls, fear all but strangling his heart he was nearly killed without so much as a second thought. If Solas had not summoned a tree to block that spear at the last second, Inuwa's story would have ended hear. Armed fairies clearly of military rank fly into the air, poised for another attack. Using their magic, to fling their spears at their perceived invader.

"Stop!" Solas shouts, using powerful magic to blast the incoming projectiles away with a monsterous gust of wind, also nearly knocking the fairies out of the sky.

All of the fae stare, stunned that Solas was defending a human of all people. One of their military rank decended to the ground in front of the prince.

"Prince Solas!" The armored fairy addresses. "For what purpose do you defend this human!?"

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