it was nothing - chris

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i will be using chris sturniolo as the partner cause i adore him and no other names/people cross my mind. you can always change it. k? k. mwah hope you enjoy 😘🤙

pov: y/n

i was currently home, trying to convince my older brother to drive me to my boyfriends house since i didn't have my own license yet. yes i know i'm almost 19 and can't drive what a loser. i've heard it enough he bullies me for it too. my boyfriend is christopher sturniolo. the 2nd hottest of the triplets. with the 1st and unbeatable one obviously being nicolas. me and chris have been dating for about 1 year and 8 months. i would say it's going good but like every normal couple we have our arguments here and there. they've never been too bad. well. at least not all of them. but we've always been able to sort them out. even if some of them took a while. i love chris and his brothers to death. they've been my best and also like only friends since i basically came out of my moms womb. while growing up with them i've always felt a little different about chris and we've always had this "annoying each other as a way of flirting" situation going on. until he finally got the balls to ask me out in senior year. and don't come at me being like "that's such a cliché thing of you. girls can make the first move too" i'm well aware of that. but i'm scared of rejection just as much as i love chris. to death. so you'd never catch me making a first move in any situation. we've always been hanging out and i was too scared to destroy that. even if we and everyone around us knew very well that we like each other way more than just friends.
the first year and 7months were honestly almost completely flawless. but the last month it's kinda been going downhill. we argue way more and the arguments hold on for longer. or end up messier. i don't want to blame it on just him or just me because it's OUR relationship which leads to it being OUR fault. enough rambling. after 20 minutes of straight in just annoying the living fuck out of my brother he agreed on driving me. was it just cause i said i'd snitch on him otherwise? probably yes. doesn't matter. i happily skipped my way to his car with the biggest grin on my face. texted chris i'll be there in about 15 minutes and waited for my slow ass chauffeur aka older brother to get in the car. while waiting i realized i shouldve told chris it was 20 minutes. after what felt like years my brother finally got to the car. WOOHOOO. slow ass.

y/n: "could've taken longer. not like i have somewhere to be idiot."

y/b/n: "don't give me attitude unless you want to walk y/n."

y/n: "don't give me attitude unless you want mom to find out what you did on fri-"

y/b/n: "alright alright calm down. i'll try to hurry next time."

and with that cute and friendly conversation he finally started driving in the direction of the sturniolo household.

*time skip cause i'm honestly rambling way too much already*

i knocked on the door and heard someone literally fucking running down the stairs so fast it sounded like falling and made me cover my mouth in shock. nick swung the door open and smiled at me as if he hasn't seen me yesterday. his excitement to see me always made my mood a million times better.

nick: "y/n you don't even know how happy i am to see you. chris is driving me fucking insane."

i laughed and slowly stepped into the house being greeted by matt walking down the stairs. followed by a scream from chris


matt rolled his eyes and i just laughed even harder.


he shot me a little smile and came over to hug me. i hugged him back still laughing.

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