prom - matt

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no one's pov:

y/n visited the same school as the three boys now mainly known as "the sturniolo triplets". she was also a dear friend of theirs. they weren't necessarily deadly close but they were still pretty good friends. y/n has always lived in her best friends shadow. very little to no people at all knew her name.
"you're grace's best friend right?"
"ey! yeah you! grace's friend"
"hey? grace's friend right?"
of course it was upsetting and annoying but over the years y/n got used to it. the triplets were one of the few people who knew her name and were her friends. she had a few classes with all of them but matt was in every single one. y/n felt like she was developing feelings for matt and there was nothing she hated more. she was scared of her own feelings. but after all the times her crushes have asked her if she could set them up with grace. or give them her number. or ask what she thought of them. could you really blame her? it was like a cycle.
y/n started talking to someone. they became friends. she started catching feelings. she thought they felt the same and then one of the following days they let her know grace was the one they were really interested in and she had just been the bridge they used for connection. so while her confidence drastically fell her insecurities rose. she didn't feel lovable. life for her was just like the movies. side characters ended up alone. that was her. a side character. she didn't feel like she had her own storybook. she was just part of grace's book. but when matt came into her life that changed. he made her feel like her life was indeed interesting enough to have its own book. like this was the first chapter which was actually gonna be finished and even continued. but when she noticed the feelings knocking at her heart she was terrified. cause she knew how the cycle worked. this was gonna lead to the end of the chapter yet again. not wanting to lose a friend who was really dead to her. she did the thing that everyone considers reasonable while knowing that it can only end horrible. she ignored the feelings and didn't let them in. or that's what she made herself believe. cause the feelings entered nonetheless. matt and her got incredibly close. to the point where she really thought this could work. to the point where even people started seeing it.
"you're with grace's best friend?"
"why her best friend? you could get grace in a sec."
"what's grace's best friend like?"
those are some of the questions matt had to listen to frequently. and even tho he tried to get her name out there by always correcting them
"her name is y/n."
"she has a name you know? y/n."
"y/n. grace's good friend. yeah."
it never really worked. and everyone knew it wouldn't work. everyone would forget about her anyway. as sad as it sounds.
even tho matt was much closer to y/n he still hung out with grace. y/n didn't mind nor even really think about it. at this point she didn't know anyone who didn't hang out with her. grace was known in every grade. every class. even by every teacher. teachers that never even taught her knew her and greeted her in the halls. y/n always thought those teachers were kind of scary but grace told her they were just being nice every time.
now that prom was coming up and matt was still so close to y/n her expectations rose. she was excited for prom. something she never thought she'd be.

y/n's pov:

prom is coming up. and i really think for once in my life i'll get asked to go by someone. matthew. matthew bernard sturniolo. we've been what i would consider really close for a good few months now. and even tho i really hate talking about it i have feelings for him. and i'd say there's a solid possibility that he feels the same for me. i've been hanging out with him and his brothers and parents a lot more. and from my conversation with nick or their mom i'd only repeat that theory. both said he mentions me pretty often and smiles extra wide whenever i come up in a conversation at the dinner table.
my expectations are high. but the little voice in the back of my head still tells me to not get my hopes up too much because this is where my expectations were all those other times that ended in that stupid cycle. even tho i thought they wouldn't.
matt had asked me to go get lunch earlier today. i obviously didn't decline cause why would i.
so now 15 minutes before 3pm which was the time matt would pick me up at. here i was. finishing up brushing my hair for the 3rd if not even 4th time in the last hour. after being happy with my hair i started collecting the necessary stuff i'd need. like wallet, lip balm, mini perfume, extra charger, powerbank, headphones and an old camera of mine that i preferred using for photos. since i spend like 10 minutes looking for my powerbank matt was now already waiting for me in the driveway so i quickly put all my things into my bag and grabbed my phone before heading down the stairs and out of the door. i got into the car and greeted matt with a side hug and kiss on the cheek.

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