the other woman - matt (pt.2)

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y/n's pov:

after our arrival at the restaurant matt almost sprung out of the car and ran to open the door for ella. i thought he'd open mine too but guess what. he didn't. so after sighing i got out myself with the best smile i could give plastered on my face. i turned to ella and matt and coughed a little to catch their attention.

y/n: "hey. i'm sorry for the situation before. i'm y/n sure you've heard about me a bit."

i hated introducing myself but what had to be done had to be done. i went in for a hug with ella and she smelled like the fanciest most expensive french perfume and fresh cut flowers. after pulling away from the hug i finally got to admire her on full screen. softly curled blonde hair falling perfectly over her shoulders. unlike mine. curled messily in every possible direction. her hands with a perfectly done manicure. unlike mine with nail polish i put on this morning. she was perfect everywhere i failed. she had everything i didn't have and more. she looked breathtaking no wonder matt chose her over me. she was the woman. while i was the other woman.

matt: "y/n are you okay? you're tearing up..."

i obviously hadn't realized i zoned out. and had hundreds of tears in my eyes all threatening to fall. i wiped my eyes quickly but carefully not to mess up my makeup

y/n: "sensitive eyes. nothing serious don't worry. something just must've flown in there"

i tried to laugh it off as good as i could. and it seemed to be working. matt didn't seem suspicious or anything. and neither did ella.

ella: "are you sure y/n?"

y/n: "yes i'm very sure. let's go inside already. i don't know about y'all but im starving."

and with that they dropped it. we went inside. the waiter seated us and took our drink orders.

while waiting for the drinks i quickly checked my phone and realized that nick had answered.

picky nicky 😚💞

y/n what
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wtf happened
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just tell them you don't feel well when it gets too bad
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will do but it's okay now.
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i mean im very much third wheeling but it's fine.
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i mean it's exactly what i signed up for
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she's so incredibly pretty nick. she's absolutely perfect. i can't compare for shit. im nothing next to her. nothing.
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okay im gonna put my phone away now. love you. ttyl you later <3
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after setting down our drinks the waiter was ready to take our orders. i ordered some type of salad while matt and ella ordered some share meal or whatever. while waiting for our meal we actually talked. which was absolutely unexpected. i actually got to know ella a bit even tho she didn't seem very thrilled about having a conversation with me. to be honest i really think she doesn't like me. but i know matt won't switch up on me cause of that. he wouldn't.

matt's pov:

after we finished our food y/n excused herself to the bathroom. i didn't really pay attention to what she was doing. she hasn't said much either so there wasn't really anything to pay attention to. i had a great time and i think ella and y/n did too. i didn't have to stress this much. they love each other. i'm very sure.

y/n's pov:

i lied when i excused myself to the bathroom. but you can't blame me. try sitting in front of the boy you have a massive crush on and watching him be in love with someone that isn't you. nick was right. this was too early for me. when i was supposed to be in the bathroom i actually went to pay for our meals. and i know it may seem rude that i didn't say bye or anything to ella and matt but i'm pretty sure they won't even notice i'm gone. and i payed for everything so i think that is enough for an apology. after paying i made my way outside and called myself an uber to take me to the triplets home. i needed nick more than anything rn. while in the uber i was so close to crying i thought i'd actually have a whole ass breakdown right then and there. but i successfully made it to nicks room before breaking down.
i cried and cried in his arms for what felt like hours. i cried about how stupid i felt for thinking matt liked me back. i cried about how stupidly perfect ella was. and how much it hurt seeing him so happy with someone else. i cried about how she took my seat i didn't even let chris sit in. i cried about everything. even stuff that wasn't worth crying over. but just like
lana said:

the other woman
will always cry herself to sleep.
the other woman
will never have his love to keep.


870 words.

a little short but i hope you liked the pt.2
i'm gonna go to sleep now. i love you all and again thank you so much for reading this. i truly went into this expecting 0 views for a long time. those 30 views mean so much to me. it's unreal.
mwahhh hope you have a good day or night and will continue to read this book 😘🤭

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