promise - chris

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i'm in my laufey obsession era. so this is a bit inspired by one of her songs 🤩

y/n's pov:

me and chris both had our issues with commitment... and communication. but we agreed to work on them together after years of flirting and dates that weren't considered dates back then. we never told the other that we liked them. it was something we knew without words. this was also one of the reasons why our relationship... friendship? whatever we had right now was so strong. we understood each other without words. we had similar feelings towards things. and similar thoughts about relationships. we promised each other that we'd do it differently. afraid to fall apart like the other couples we watched part over the span of our whole lives. we didn't want to lose what we had. we didn't want to make it official just to realize that this wasn't the best decision. make it official just for one of us to lose feelings cause it was maybe just a stupid little crush. even tho both of us knew this wasn't a crush. we've been trying to work things out for ourselves for about a year now. it was going amazing. neither i nor chris felt alone with our problems and kept reminding ourselves that this will lead to something completely different. something we've never experienced before. something that will be new and might seem scary but will eventually become the best thing that ever came our way. i had nothing to complain about.
that was until chris invited me over for lunch and announced that he'd be moving to LA with his brothers. the other side of the damn country. almost 3000 miles away.


chris: "we're moving to LA in 3 months"

i was about to take a bite of my food. but that was cut short when it dropped from my fork as i looked at chris in disbelief while he stared down at his food.

y/n: "...what?"

i put down my fork. my stomach turning and my appetite leaving. chris still not looking at me.

chris: "we found a house... it's a good price. good place. new opportunities for our career"

now he looked up. a look of sadness that he tried to cover up.

y/n: "chris that's the other side of the country"

tears started blurring my view as a laugh of pure disbelief left my mouth after the sentence.

chris: "i know... but we'll be switching back and forth"

y/n: "how often?"

chris: "... i don't know... we haven't talked about it yet"

y/n: "so this is over?"

chris: "what do you mean?"

y/n: "i don't know. this. whatever this is between us"

chris: "our friendship?"

y/n: "is this all just friendship? i don't think so..."

chris: "we can make it work y/n"

y/n: "chris how do you expect us to make it work long distance when we can't even figure out how to properly make it work living 5 minutes away from each other ?!"

i raised my voice and immediately regretted it. it wasn't anger that caused it. it was frustration. which some maybe would consider a form of anger. but it felt like my dream was being burned while i watched. and my hands were tied keeping me from saving it.
chris stayed quiet. i don't know if it was because he didn't know what to say or because he didn't want to make this worse. or maybe a bit of both.

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