prom pt.2 - matt

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matt's pov:

prom is in just about an hour and a half and my will to go there is getting smaller by the second. it wasn't because of my date. it was about christopher's date. he asked y/n to go with him. and she said yes. i don't understand how they could both do this to me. my best friend and brother? that's just weird. i am currently finishing up doing my hair while chris and nick are getting ready in their own rooms. i still didn't have breakfast today so i decided i'd do myself and my brothers a favor and get us all something. i put on some sweatpants and a shirt just to go out quickly. i grabbed my car keys and knocked on chris' door first.

matt: "i'm gonna go get some food. a blt fine with you?"

chris: "more than fine. thanks i'll pay you back later"

chris smiled at me and i closed his door again making my way downstairs to nick. i knocked on his door next and opened it after he told me i could.

matt: "i'm going out for food real quick. you want anything? blt or something?"

nick: "no i'm good. i had breakfast with mikayla like an hour ago. but thanks"

matt: "no problem. i'll be back"

and with that i left his room too. then made my way to the car.
with all the traffic going on it took me 40 minutes to get the damn sandwiches. when i got back i ran upstairs and quickly gave chris his food since i ate mine on the drive back already.
since i now only had like 35 minutes left to get dressed i tried to do it as fast and neat as i could.and i did a pretty good job if you'd ask me. my dress shirt was a light shade of pink (look at the picture on the top 😘👍) just like graces dress.
after nick and chris were ready as well we all got into the car and drove to prom together. i was gonna pick up grace but she assured me that she'd get there by herself. when we got there y/n was already waiting for us. or more like for chris. her dress was the same shade of blue as chris' suit (again look at the picture above for reference or what not 😉🤞) and it looked absolutely gorgeous. it fit her like a glove and complimented her skin tone as well as eye color perfectly. she walked straight over to chris and hugged him

y/n: "you look so handsome"

she smiled at him then looked at nick and me

y/n: "you all do. i really like the shade of pink on you matt"

matt: "oh. thanks. that blue looks nice on you as well"

she smiled at me while walking over to nick and hugging him as well. that's when grace approached me.

grace: "hey matt"

grace had the biggest smile on her face which made me smile to. but nothing was better than y/n's smile. her smile always lit up the room or situation.

matt: "hey grace. you look great"

grace: "so do you"

y/n's pov:

i felt great. but that was before i saw grace and matt being all snuggly. nick excused himself and started looking for alahna and mikayla. chris saw i was starting to get upset since grace didn't even say hi to me and because i liked matt adn she was all over him. so he pulled me away to say hello to his friends.
chris kept a hand around me at all times. if it was resting on my waist or arm.

after a bunch hours of conversations a slow song came on and chris asked me to dance. i smiled and took his hand letting him take me to the dance floor.
he put his hands around my waist while i put my around his neck. we both laughed at each other quietly while continuing to dance

matt's pov:

i walked over to the table with drinks without grace and met nick there.

nick: "so... how's your night so far? with grace."

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