it was nothing pt3 - chris

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y'all. im a matt girl. if you didn't know you do now. all i have are matt pictures and finding that picture that's now up there was like a fucking scavenger hunt. anyway. enjoy the 3rd part of this mess 😍🤙

no one's pov:

chris breaking up with y/n over the most stupid fucking shit. that was 4 years ago from today.
y/n had moved into her own apartment. and so had the triplets. the three boys were thriving. with a tour behind them and many more projects to come. y/n however... well... she was definitely living. she had two jobs. her life wasn't exactly calm. after the breakup she was shattered. and there was no denying it. but she had to get her shit together. so she eventually did. having nick, matt and her brother support her through it definitely helped a lot. it's not like chris and her didn't speak. they did. but there was always this unspoken tension and awkwardness. so y/n much rather just kept her distance. along with the 1 year and 8 month relationship of course the moving in together plans slipped down the drain. nick and matt both tried getting the two to make up properly so it was still possible to move in together. but obviously with no luck. they didn't live too far away from each other now. but it definitely wasn't just a few steps. y/n and chris had almost no contact. y/n still assumed chris was with that isabella girl he kind of left her for. and chris thought y/n was going out with people too. and he wasn't exactly wrong. she did go out with a few people. but that was now like 2 years ago. she gave up after the last one. who she was not on the same page with. AT ALL. on day he planned a dinner. saying he wanted y/n to meet someone. obviously y/n assumed she's be meeting his parents after the months of fucking and basically being an unspoken couple. jokes on her. when he showed up at the dinner he was with a girl. and instructed her as his girlfriend. y/n stood there in shock. and the only thing she could do was laugh.

y/n: "you're kidding right?"

is what she said that night. hoping to her a laugh and a "yes" back. unfortunately what got the opposite. she was okay with it. but she obviously wouldn't just let it slide like that. so as she gathered her things. she spoke to the girl specifically.

y/n: "i have no idea how long you two have been together. but i think you should know that me and him have been fucking for several months and there was never a girlfriend mentioned. we were literally together last night. and when he said he wanted me to meet someone i thought it would be his parents. good luck with this one girl."

and the she left. cause handling that. was now only his problem not hers. on the way home she deleted his contact and blocked him on every possible social media app. she told herself that she doesn't need a boyfriend for anything. she'd be the single cool aunt. for the kids her brother got. or the kids any of the sturniolo brothers got. or the kid layla had.
layla was y/n's coworker in one of the two jobs. starbucks to be exact. layla has been working there for a while and was the one to teach y/n all the necessary stuff. all their shifts started and ended at the same time. so they clicked pretty quickly. spending a lot of time together also out of work. y/n second job was babysitting. she babysat 4 kids in total. in 2 different families. two of the kids were in her apartment complex. brother and sister. natalie who was 6. and funny enough. christopher. who was almost 12. y/n babysat those two the most. the other two kids lived about 10 minutes away from her. two girls. mia and alice. twins who were about to be 8 next month. out of the four natalie was definitely her favorite. but of course she never said that out loud. natalie was a really calm child. she liked drawing and really loved watching y/n cook. she also loved helping her cook. put things into a bowl or carefully chop something up. christopher however was the opposite. you could really tell he was almost a teen. sometimes he really reminded y/n of the christopher she used to date. the christopher she used to be such close friends with at that age. 12 was when the two discovered their feelings for each other. when the love between the two really started blooming. but y/n didn't let that get to her head while babysitting the siblings. she brushed it off. but always told layla as soon as she saw her. layla had a 6 year old girl called alice as well. y/n watched her during weekends occasionally. when for example layla and her boyfriend antonio (y'all the names are so out of no where. i'm so sorry.)
wanted to have a date night and their usual babysitter wasn't available. their daughter was literally and angel. it was a dream watching her. you told her it was time for bed. girly practically sprinted to the bathroom to brush her teeth and then was just as quick to get to bed afterwards. you read her like 4 pages of a bedtime story and she was gone. sleeping as hard as a rock. she made y/n want to find that special someone and start a family of her own. but then she thought back to all her past relationships and immediately gave up again. layla had told y/n to contact chris. cause as her best friend she clearly saw that she was still deeply in love with him. y/n never admitted it. she didn't want to accept it herself. she saw how well chris was doing and felt even worse about her already miserable self. layla knew that the happy y/n she mostly saw was an act. and behind all that. y/n just didn't want people to worry about her. she was the one worried about others. not the other way around. y/n was the one checking up on her friends. she didn't want to be checked up on. whenever anyone did she quickly fled from the topic. just like when the triplets got mentioned. she not only wanted to flee the topic. she wanted to flee the conversation. the situation. the place. the country. even the damn continent.
back then when the breakup was pretty new. y/n kept very good contact with matt and nick. but with time she distanced herself slowly. not wanting to break the brothers up somehow. matt obviously noticed it and mentioned it during one of their "therapy car rides". let's just say that car ride ended soon after the topic was started.

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