the other woman - matt

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no one's pov:

y/n and the triplets have known each other for almost 2 years. starting the day she had her first day at their and now also her school. nick was assigned to show y/n around the school and introduce her to teachers as well as students. they immediately clicked. like love at first sight. but in a friendship way. her first lunch was spent with the triplets instead of alone. y/n could definitely get used to this. after a few weeks they started visiting each others houses and y/n bond grew closer and closer to the three boys her age every day. they had sleep overs, movie nights, game nights, late calls, late night drives they even had breakdowns with each other. over the first year y/n started developing a crush on matt. they grew closer than her and chris or nick at a surprisingly high speed. after a week it felt like they e known each other for months. after months it felt like years. and even tho she felt that way towards every triplet. it was different with matt. but even tho matt and her were so close there was still space for other girls in his life.
one day he made her feel like she was the only one in his life. and the other he'd tell her about this incredibly pretty and funny girl he had talked to in class today.
of course y/n was sad. of course she felt played. but who would chose losing the most amazing friendship over bottling up your feelings to keep the most important person in your life. exactly. no one. so like everyone else y/n bottled up her feelings to keep matt in her life. she chose to be a supportive friend no matter how much it hurt her deep down. she could see how much matt adored this girl. so she said the thing every supportive friend would say at some point.

*little flashback*

y/n: "she sounds like the purest soul matt. i'm so glad you found someone like her. i can't wait for the day i finally get to meet her."

i shot matt a smile. i wouldn't dare to crush his feelings in any way. i was happy for him. but it still hurt.

*end of flashback*

nick knew about her feelings towards matt. y/n couldn't keep anything from nick even if she tried. he told her straight away that he thought it was still too early for y/n to meet her and that matt and her would probably end up going separate ways very soon. but y/n didn't listen. even if she maybe should have.

y/n's pov:

today was the day. matt, ella and i were going out to eat. i was gonna meet the girl he always talked about all the time. you may ask yourself: are you seriously gonna chose to third wheel? apparently yes.
did matt tell me i could bring the boy i fancy too?
yes he did.
wasn't i able to bring the boy i fancy cause he's already taking out someone else?
also yes.
i'm not even gonna lie. i feel horrible. im so stressed out. i feel like im gonna start crying the second i see ella cause she's gonna be so much prettier and better than me. i was ready to leave. i've been ready to leave for like an hour. i started getting ready 3 hours early. and now that im thinking about it. and looking at the clock which shows i still have 2 hours to spare. i think those 3 hours might have been a bit much. to get some time over i decided to redo my hair. and do curls. since that takes me ages.

matt's pov:

i am a bit nervous about all of this. i can't lie. what if ella doesn't like y/n? what if y/n doesn't like ella? no no no. y/n loves ella just like i do. she always tells me how happy she is i've found such an amazing girl. i was starting to get ready. i had to do it a bit earlier since i still have to pick up ella and she lives unnecessarily far away. it's like a 20 minute drive.

*time skip*

i said my goodbyes to nick and chris after grabbing my phone,car keys and wallet. i told them i'll be home later and ella would probably be coming over as well. then i made my way over to the car. after checking if i have everything 5 more times and texting ella. i started to make my way to ella's house. the drive went by smoothly. i honked after coming to a stop by her house to let her know i'm here. a few seconds later the prettiest girl i've ever seen was walking towards my car with that gorgeous smile i loved to see. she opened the passenger door and started getting in. i wanted to say something as the passenger seat was always y/n spot. she even kicked chris out of there and forced him to drive in the backseat whenever she was with us. but ella looked so gorgeous i couldn't get any words out.

ella: "take a picture it'll last longer"

she giggled after that. god that giggle. it was so adorable.

matt: "i'll make sure to take more than enough pictures today. you look absolutely stunning."

while she put on her seatbelt i texted y/n that we'd be there in about 30 minutes.

y/n's pov:

just as i got done with my curls matt texted me that they're on their way to get me. i did a few final touches and made my way down the stairs to be 100% ready to leave without forgetting anything.

*time skip*

after i heard the honk of matt's car i checked myself in the mirror and if i had everything one last time then made my way out of the door. i walked over to the car and opened the passenger door without paying attention if it was free or not. it was my assigned seat so i assumed it would've been free. but that assumption was quickly proven wrong after looking up. i saw ella. truly the most beautiful girl i've ever seen in my whole entire life. in my seat. it felt like i couldn't speak. after what felt like years i finally got out a "oh sorry. my bad." and quickly slammed the door and got into the backseat by myself. what a great start aren't i right?

*time skip*

this was honestly the worst drive of my life. it feels like i wasn't even there. neither matt nor ella acknowledged my existence whatsoever. they continued laughing together and talking. the second matt started driving i texted nick. 

picky nicky 😚💞

nick. my good lord. i think i'm actually going to jump out of this car. this is already so fucking embarrassing.
delivered  2:45

obviously nick didn't answer. i knew i was probably gonna third wheel but i never though it would be this bad. i hate it. it's gonna be a real fun day for sure.


bro. 1210 words.

thank you for reading this. gonna start writing pt.2 rn. i might not upload it now since it's really late and i have school tomorrow but i'll try my best.

love you all. thank you again for reading <33

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