chicago - matt

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requested by mqstermind13 i really hope you enjoy <3 and thank you again for the request 💋

no one's pov:

ever since the boys announced the tour it was known that y/n had to come along. matt and her were inseparable from the second they laid eyes up on each other a year and a half ago. meeting through mutual friends, becoming incredibly close and being best friends for the longest. until it finally ended in becoming the sweetest couple ever. they were both 100% sure that their future ways will never part. and their friends and family were twice as sure. matt and y/n's bond was one you rarely saw these days. the type of bond couples after 60+ years of marriage have. for people walking by it was something that put a smile on their face. something so sweet and pure like a puppy. seeing matt or y/n alone in any public place was unusual, scary if not even terrifying. if you'd ask, for example nick, to picture matt in a grocery store and describe it. at one point it would include "hand in hand with y/n" or "holing hands with y/n". if you'd ask, for example y/m/n (your moms name 🫶) to picture y/n in a starbucks. she would start with "she'd for sure have matt by her side"
for the two it was like a life before each other didn't exist. it felt like they've known each other for forever and there was never even a thought of a "without matt" or a "without y/n". the moment their souls and ways met everyone around including themselves knew. they'd never separate again.
tonight was the chicago show. everyone was unbelievably excited. with how amazing all the shows before went and tour in general how could you not be? all the fans that "the crew" got to meet were the sweetest people ever. nice. respectful. funny. the list goes on.
all matt and y/n ever got from the fandom was support. of course there was hate here and there. but with all the sweet things people said. who'd look at the hate? who'd even notice it? it literally drowned in all the positivity. under tiktoks. instagram posts. private dms. even in real life crowds. and as you can imagine this also had a very big and good impact on the relationship of the two.
since the show started in the evening. nick, chris, matt, y/n, madi, malcolm, trill and their manager laura had almost half the day off to go explore chicago a bit.
after finishing the city tour at the bean with a few pictures here and there matt and y/n as well as nick and madi volunteered to go get starbucks for everyone. the starbucks was right across from the bean so they didn't have to walk far after mildly memorizing everyone's order. at the opened door the four were met by no queue. only one girl around their age behind the counter who was currently taking an order from a woman in her 30's that was trying to keep her toddler near and a few customers already enjoying their drinks. they walked up to the counter standing just a few feet away from the mother and little girl who desperately tried to get out of her moms grip. y/n smiled down at the girl who stopped dead in her tracks after making eye contact. y/n was great with kids. no matter what age. she somehow always managed to get along with them. the woman's head turned down to the girl

woman: "love do you remember what you sister wanted? i forgot it again"

the little girl looked at her mother breaking the eye contact with y/n.

little girl: "nope"

and just like that the toddlers eyes were back on y/n's. while matt, nick and madi tried to remember all the things they had to order y/n watched the little girl now tug on the moms hand to get her attention instead of trying to rip out of her grip. the woman's head turned almost immediately and followed her daughter's gaze. now meeting y/n's welcoming and pretty eyes

woman: "what is it lily? we have to go get aurora from the car. i have no idea what she wanted"

little girl: "aurora watches them. i know them."

that statement made y/n laugh since she was the only one of the four who payed attention.

woman: "who? them?"

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