worlds collide - matt

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requested by TmnTMama123
still absolutely love your idea. i hope you'll be happy with the outcome 🫶

no one's pov:

y/n and matt have been sharing the same street for as long as they can remember. but even tho they saw each other walk to school every morning, exchanged smiles every now and then and shared multiple classes. the triplets and her had totally different lives. while y/n and chris were part of the popular kids. matt and nick mostly kept to themselves. everyone knew that nick and matt could become part of the popular group faster than one could blink. and no one was sure why they didn't. not even chris. or at least that's what he insisted on. y/n and chris were close friends but she always wished matt were the one she was laughing with everyday. she was also pretty good friends with nick. since they spend time together so often.
her relationship with matt however was more complicated. she'd love to be friends with him. or even better more than friends. but whenever she tried to get closer to him he completely rejected her. or at least that's what it came off as. a rejection. however if you'd ask matt about it. he'd tell you... well he probably wouldn't tell you anything unless you were chris, nick, nate or his journal. but what he would say if you'd be one of the above. is that he'd been totally head over heels for y/n since 3rd grade. back then they even used to be friends. but with time they just grew apart. with highschool putting them in totally different friend groups the two of them just sorta forgot each other.
truly no one forgot about anyone here. but that's what they both told each other.
"oh he forgot about me"
"oh she probably hates me now"
"he/she wouldn't want to be anywhere near me"
the go to bullshit everyone tells themselves cause they're too scared to actually talk to their crush.
matt always tried to get himself to talk to y/n without sounding sarcastic, stuttering, looking at everything and everyone but her to not get absolutely lost and disoriented by her beauty.
but let's just say.... most of the times he failed...

earlier today

y/n's pov:

teacher: "now please pair together. the project is due to in 2 weeks. not a day off y'all. so you better get working."

this was my chance. i can pair together with matt and get closer to him.

y/n: "hey matt"

he looked up at me with those picture perfect blue eyes with a shimmer of confusion in them.

matt: "yeah?"

y/n: "would you want to pair up with me for the project? i think we'd work together well"

i smiled at him hoping he'd agree and our relationship would start blooming from this point on.
matt looked around the room searching.

matt: "uhm... i- i'm already pairing with uh- nicole. yeah."

y/n: "oh okay..."

that answer was like a slap in the face. but life goes on. i got up and walked over to one of my friends with who i ended up pairing. after a few more minutes it was lunchtime and i sat in my usual spot next to chris telling him all about what happened in my previous classes.

~end of flashback~

matt's pov:

i absolutely fucked up. i missed the best chance to get closer to y/n. just because i let my anxiety take over. and what was i doing now? doing what i do after every single day. talk to my brothers about everything that's happened.

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