mistake - chris

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quick note: i'm absolutely obsessed with the song above atm. that's why i added it. it has nothing to do with the imagine. but it's a great song that i felt like sharing 😘
also sorry for not updating in a while 😅🤙

no one's pov:

chris and y/n had always been very close friends. they laughed together. they cried together. they had sleepovers watching movies until the sun told them the next day had already occurred. y/n obviously also got along with chris' brothers. she was one of their closest friends. often joining them in car videos or wednesday vlogs. a lot of people would question if chris and y/n were dating. the two never really understood why the question even came to mind since all they ever saw in each other was a sibling. if you asked one of them what the other meant to them the answer would most likely sound something like "oh he's/she's like a brother i can actually hang out with/a sister i never had" y/n had two older brothers. one being 27 and already starting his own little family. the other being 5 months older than her. you'd think "oh well that age gap is like nothing." yeah i agree. y/n does hang out with him. but the fact that he's 5 months older gets to his head a bit too much for her liking. her parents let him go to parties but when she asked why she couldn't go it was always "he's older. some day you'll go too. just not now." y/n hated that excuse. deep down she knew it was just because her dad was scared or her getting a boyfriend. he was fine with the triplets cause he knew their parents well and watched the four of you grow up together. but other boys? keep dreaming my girl. with that y/n gave up on trying to have a boyfriend. sure she had crushes. she talked to some boys. but not much went further than a talking stage. but she never felt sad about it. cause through it all she had her best friend. chris. who also didn't get past a talking stage often. even tho by the looks of this absolutely gorgeous man you'd think the exact opposite.
y/n and chris were inseparable. until one day the feelings for a crush were stronger than the trust between the two.

*flash back*

y/n's pov: february 14th

today was valentine's day. to me it was nothing more than just another normal day. since having a valentine wasn't really part of my life with my dad being the way he is. don't get me wrong i loved my dad. and i'm more than grateful that i have one in general. but sometimes his "rules" for me did get really annoying. besides who would need a valentine when you have a best friend with one. i'd rather be happy for chris than selfishly cry about the fact that i don't have one. after me convincing him for about 2 days to ask his crush if she'd want to be his valentine he finally agreed and guess what. she obviously said yes. i knew she would. every girl in school loved chris and his brother matt. but i can't blame them. who wouldn't? handsome, tall, kind, funny and averagely smart. what more would you need? exactly. i was close friends with both of them which lead to girls either trying to be my friend just to get closer to the brothers or absolutely despise me and give me dirty looks for "stealing their men" although i wasn't into either of them. my class had ended and i made my way to my locker since i wasn't gonna carry all this stuff to lunch. my locker was next to chris' valentine's. while turning the last corner to get to my locker i noticed she was standing at hers with a bunch of her puppies. yes puppies. i won't call them friends cause all they do is run after her. i've never really liked her cause she's the typical popular cheerleader team captain girl. but chris liked her so i shut my mouth and tried my best to look over my not so great opinion of her. she made chris happy so i accepted her. i unlocked my locker and started putting my books in. olivia apparently hasn't noticed me at all cause i don't think the next sentence i heard coming out of her mouth was intended for me to hear.

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