it was nothing pt4 - chris

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first and so far only picture i got of the triplets on my new phone 😜🤭
matty boo bear has to post some pictures cause i've been starving y'all... 😣💔
but chris in that picture tho... 🤭😉

(sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance. hope there's not too many 😜🤞)

no one's pov:

y/n switched from looking at the nice house to looking at her shaking hands every few seconds. taking long deep breaths preventing herself from breaking down completely. she closed her eyes and took one last breath.

y/n: "i got this. it's not gonna be that bad. everything will be fine. no point in worrying. or fucking shaking."

she stared down at her still shaking hands with nothing but hatred. they shouldn't stop her. they couldn't. so she reached over to her passenger seat. grabbing her bag after throwing her phone into it. she got the keys and exited the her vehicle locking it up shortly after. she walked up to the front door. it was white. and had a doorknob similar to the one their family house had. the door bell was right at her eye level. and after staring at it for at least a minute she build up the courage to finally press the button. immediately after a pretty simple combination of bells could be heard from the other side of the door. now there was no turning back. and realization hit the girl hard. she wished she could say the shaking hands got better. but now that she heard the doorbell ring. and couldn't help but stress about who would open the door. they did everything but get better. what if chris was the one she would be facing in a few moments? what if coming here was a bad idea and this night would turn out awful? what if the triplets see her and realize they didn't miss her at all and actually hate her? what if-
her train of thought was broken by the opening door. she was greeted with no other than...

matt. the triplet she honestly wished to see at this door the most. his face was immediately lit up by a smile. the same smile y/n remembered from back then. she couldn't help but return it. matt wasted no time in wrapping her into one of the best hugs she's received in the past 2 years. she was hesitant to wrap her shaking hands around him because she didn't want to share how terrified she was of walking into that house and face the boy she loved but hated at the same time. but she had to. "it would be rude not to" she thought. as soon as her hands touched matt's back she suddenly became 100 times more aware of her shaking hands. she closed her eyes praying that matt just wouldn't say anything about it. because hoping that he didn't notice was a hopeless case. there was simply no way he didn't notice. as the two of them pulled away the look on matt's face said more than needed. almost all the happiness from a second ago disappeared and turned into worry. he looked down at y/n with something close to guilt in his eyes. it's like he felt bad for asking her to come here in the first place. but all of those things stayed unspoken. as both of them went back to smiling at each other. sweeping everything but the happiness under a rug for now.

matt: "words can't describe how happy i am about you actually coming."

y/n: "it's about time i get over myself and what happened years ago."

y/n finished off with a laugh. trying to loosen up the not present tension. she clinging to her bag so hard that her knuckles were begging to get paler and paler by the second.

matt: "come on in. everyone else is out back"

matt took a step to the side finally inviting y/n in. and after matt finished giving her a quick tour around the house the two of them made their way to the little garden. (we're gonna act like their house in LA has a "garden" alright? thank you 😘🙏)  right before the door that led to the outside matt stopped and automatically so did y/n.

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