failed date - matt

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y/n's pov:

my best friend wand his brothers blew up on the internet a while back. gaining a crazy amount of new followers ever day. me and matt were currently in a talking stage. we've been for a while actually. since valentines. so like a month. on the 14th of february matt confessed his feelings for me and asked me to be his valentine. to which i obviously said yes cause i've had a crush on him for literally ever. we met in a cafe. i was working as a waitress and the triplets had scheduled a meeting there. i was lucky enough to serve them. back then i didn't even know who they were. but after my day of work my little sister, who was apparently a really big fan of them, basically screamed at me for not taking a picture or making them say hi to her in a video. the cafe i worked at was not really known. at least before the triplets went there. it was very unnoticeable in my opinion. all we had was a little sign that said "vintage cafe downstairs :)" but that's also one of the reasons why i used to love working there so much. we didn't have too many customers. and most of them visited every day so as a waitress i really became attached to some of them. like teresa. short woman in her 60. she was truly the cutest person alive. she always got the same order. a latte with oat milk. sometimes she would get a piece of cheesecake but that was pretty rare because she was all about "keeping her form" she was like a second mom to me. whenever i was in a bad mood and she came in she noticed it immediately and insisted to talk about it. sometimes she brought her 6 or 7 year old granddaughter lily with her. she always got a hot chocolate and a chocolate chip cookie. i don't want to brag or anything but she loved me. i always sat her down on the counter so she could watch me make people's orders. sometimes she helped me take them. well. she didn't necessarily help but she was there with me you know. it was cute so i didn't mind. but that was before the cafe started absolutely exploding with people day to day. teresa started rarely coming in anymore. and when she did instead of sitting down and having the good old conversation with me. or bringing lily with her she just quickly ordered to go and left after a tiny bit of small talk. it made me sad if i'm honest. i missed having lily laughing by my side. and showing her how to work the coffee machine.


i was at work when someone called and reserved the whole entire cafe for the next day. i sighed thinking about how much work i that will be for just me since charlotte was currently in fucking italy and there was no other employee. cause who would need more than 2 for a small cafe. i agreed on the reservation and started cleaning up after serving the last few clients. i haven't seen teresa in like 2 weeks. and without her days at work weren't as enjoyable. they drained me. after a day at work i came home showered and almost immediately went to bed. just to do it all over again the best day. the last customer left at exactly 7:45pm. and our cafe closes at 8pm. so after cleaning the last table and preparing it for tomorrow i was about to make my way to the back to grab my stuff and go home. but that was before i heard the bell. which signaled that someone had come in.

y/n: "i'm sorry but i'm about to close"

i turned around seeing a boy around my age looking a bit rushed.

boy: "i know but i just need a piece of your cheesecake and a latte. please."

i smiled and put the last piece of cheesecake i had planned to take home with me on the counter for him to take.

y/n: "last piece. your lucky day. the late with regular milk or?"

boy: "i guess so. and yes regular please."

he smiled back and we laughed a little. i started getting his latte ready but the longer i looked at him the more familiar his face looked.

boy: "you look kind of confused... so i have something on my face or something?"

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