it was nothing pt2 - chris

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a/n : icl i wouldn't have written this but the request on part one (thank you cristinina1234  🤭) motivated me to do so. so here i am. i apologise if this is gonna be an ending you didn't want or don't like 😉👍

no ones pov:

after a few more minutes of nicks reassuring speech, about how she could do it, y/n made her way up the stairs again to knock on her boyfriends door. hoping he'd calmed down during the time she was downstairs and left him alone like he wanted.

chris' pov:

i didn't understand what nick and matt saw wrong in isabella. she texted me when we got home so we've been texting for a while now. she was nice. and while my brothers would say she wanted to flirt with me with those texts. i didn't share their opinion. she just wants to be friends and it shows. so why would i feel the need to mention y/n. there's no need if isabella doesn't even want to take her place or get anywhere near it.

after i stopped laughing at a text she had sent there was a knock on my door. i still wasn't it the mood to talk.

chris: "NO."

i could hear y/n's faint voice coming from the other side of my door.

y/n: "chris please. i'm here to talk not argue."

i sighed and texted isabella that i'll be back in a few minutes while walking over to open my door. after i opened the door to let y/n in and sent the text i looked up and was met with y/n's y/e/c eyes. i feel like they were a bit glossier than usual but i didn't question it. i closed my door again breaking our eye contact and sat down on my bed which y/n copied.

y/n: "nick and matt told me what happened..."

chris: "oh and let me guess. you're on their side."

y/n: "chris this isn't about sides i-"

chris: "but you share their opinion. you think what i'm doing is wrong and what i think is stupid."

y/n: "i told you i'm not here to argue. i'm here to talk this out. yes i do share their opinion. cause i'm your girlfriend and the thought of some other girl kissing your cheek, calling you handsome and touching your chest doesn't really sit right with me. especially the fact that you let her do all that doesn't."

chris: "she didn't touch my chest tf are you on. she called me handsome in a friendly way. my grandma calls me handsome too."

y/n: "yeah chris but she isn't your fucking grandma. neither is she your grandmas age. so don't even try to compare the two."

chris: "i thought you weren't here to argue? why are you so bitchy then?"

y/n: "you started with the attitude. you think i'll keep my cool when you're making me stand there, look stupid and delusional? fuck no. and it's not about the things she did it's ab-"

chris: "wtf is it about then? cause i don't see what you could be fucking bitchy for other than that."

y/n: "mind letting me finish my sentences?"

chris: "yeah i do mind actually. cause all you're saying is absolutely unnecessary. she just wants to be friends."

y/n: "it's about the fucking fact that you don't want to tell her that you have a damn girlfriend. i wouldn't give a shit about who she is if you would've told her "yo i have a gf. could you get off me please" there's nothing more im fucking asking of you. you ignorant little bitch."

chris: "ignorant little bitch? how about you get your insecure fucking ass out of my room then? you constantly think im gonna leave you y/n. it's so fucking annoying. you constantly want me to tell everybody i have a girlfriend. should i start telling the cashier at the grocery store i've got a girl too? just in case she wants to be friends with me? get over yourself y/n."

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