color guard - chris

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YALL I GOT A NEW PHONE. AND MY DUMB ASS LOWKEY FORGOT TO TRANSFER ALL OF THE PICTURES AND STUFF.... so sadly. i have no sturniolo pictures now. and i can't be ask to search for one rn. 💔 i apologize. ik it's sad.

and now i want to again apologize for the long wait for this imagine. stvrniolo_23 god bless you. you were so patient with me and i honestly can not thank you enough for that. i hope you enjoy this.

no one's pov:

today was the day. y/n's biggest performance yet. looking at the fact that she's been doing color guarding for a hot while now. she shouldn't be nervous. but saying she was. was honestly an understatement. her hands were shaking while she waited for the calming medicine her friend had given her to kick in. in addition to that she was starting to sweat. not from the nerves. but from the heat. it was one of the hottest days of summer in boston. 82°F (y'all i'm googling this shit. for my °C users that's about 27°C) and even if this may not seem much compared to places like LA. to her it was fucking hot. she was starting to feel sticky and icky. thousands of people were gonna watch this. her 3 best friends were gonna be watching this performance. her crush was gonna watch this. she needed to get her shit together. and after her hands stopped shaking she pretty much did. on the outside at least.

coach: "5 minutes and we're going out there. get ready."

y/n sighed looking into her small compact mirror for the last time. checking if she had already sweat off all of her makeup. luckily she hadn't. so she put away her things and lined up with everyone else. ready to go out there.

y/n's pov:

i was about to shit myself. i'm not joking. sure. i've done this several times before. but this? this was something completely different. i've never had so many people watching. and surprisingly i've never had the triplets watching. we've been friends for forever yet they've never seen me perform in person. sure i've shown them videos of my practice and past performances. but real life? nah ah. no thank you. cause real life meant they could see me fail. and failure wasn't exactly something i took with ease. it was horrible for me. i'll beat myself up for it until i'm six feet under. and probably still when i'm in the afterlife. and i truly mean that. that test i failed back in 3rd grade? yep. still think about it every. single. day. that one time i ate absolute shit when i flew off my bike at like 8 years old? haunts me at least once a day. the time i face planted on my trampoline while showing off how well i can do a backflip? i'm so embarrassed i would love to burry myself six feet under right now. but that's not the point at the moment. i should be concentrated on not failing this performance. in unbearable heat. with shaky hands that are already fighting the calming medicine marie gave me 5 minutes ago. and the thought that chris was watching. i've liked him for the longest time. and i've dropped hints. pretty obvious ones even. but he never noticed anything. he goes out with other girls. and i've honestly given up on us ever happening a long time ago. but hanging on and getting my heart shattered like every day when he tells us about another girl is just too fun. way to fun. ha ha. so fun.
after getting out of my overthinking day dream the music had already started and before i knew it i was walking out on the field. trying my best not to look around at all the people watching and just concentrate on my own tasks. it was going insanely smooth. i somehow got used to the heat and wasn't sweating as much. my shaky hands also didn't win their battle with the medicine cause they weren't shaking at all. but everything good comes to an end eventually right. as i watched my flag fly high up in the air i could've sworn my vision got blurry for a second. and i'd lie if i said it didn't throw me off. this couldn't be happening now. anytime. anywhere. but not here. and especially not now. the performance was almost at its end and i was praying that i just made that blurry vision thing up. but it happened again. and that proved my worries.
i was about to faint.
my fainting condition was really about to fucking kick in right now. and i was gonna look like i died at the very end of my biggest performance yet. it has never happened to me before. but of course now had to be the time it happens. i mostly just fainted at home. i don't know why but i liked it that way. because that meant no one ever saw it. it was always in the comfort of my own home. i wasn't ashamed of my condition but i wasn't proud of it either. it was just something i lived with. not many people knew about it. obviously my family knew. and my teachers and coaches cause they had to know. in case i did faint out of the comfort of my home. which i repeat has never. NEVER. happened before. nick and matt also knew about it. i wasn't planning to tell them about it. we were having a sleepover at my house and while we were watching a movie i fainted. at first they thought i just fell asleep. and after i "woke up" again they were laughing at how fast i can fall asleep. so i told them about it. and asked them not to talk about it cause not many people know. now you may ask why chris wasn't there. he got sick and couldn't go. but insisted on matt and nick going anyway. so they did. enough of back story and back to now. i was getting dizzier by the second. trying my best to cover up and stop is somehow. even tho i knew i literally couldn't. i was starting to stumble around and almost dropped my flag.

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