Chapter 7

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     Her arms trembled as she slowly sat down on a chipped, wooden stool. It creaked and swayed with her weight, as small a number as it was, but she paid it no mind. She motioned for me to sit in the opposite one, but I declined hesitantly.

     "We need to get home quickly," I mentioned, shoving my hands into my pockets awkwardly. "What exactly do you know?"

     Pressing her lips tightly together as she looked at me with a clear annoyance, she finally began. "I've yet to find a cure… or anything close to a solution," she admitted bluntly, pouring herself a short glass of the milk sitting warmly on the table. "But I have some answers." I looked skeptically at the glass of white. It wasn't cold; that much was clear. 

     "Are you… an Alpha? Omega? What are you?" I asked slowly, wondering if such a straightforward question was okay to ask at all. She was already reluctant to let us in. 

     She sighed, taking a sip of the mysterious substance. "I'm sure you know it's not that simple." She glanced toward Jotaro, who stood so silently beside me. "Can he be trusted?" 

     "I brought him here for my safety," I responded simply, tilting my head with a confident stare that brought her attention back toward me. "I'd like some answers. Not an Alpha. Not an Omega. What the fuck am I?"

     "You're a bitch," she chuckled, swirling the milk around amusingly in her stained glass. "That's what you are. I'll tell you everything I know. Get him out of my house first."

     I paused for a moment, biting my lip in wonder. Was she dangerous? Would she even talk if I confessed my worry? Would I be okay? "Kujo… wait outside."

     He hesitated, his body twitching as though he knew he should go, yet it screamed at him to stay. I didn't look back, and a moment of silence ushered his removal from the room. The door banged horribly loud, and all I could do was close my eyes and wait. Wait for the answers I'd been so desperate for.

     "Were you born an Alpha?" she asked suddenly. I looked up with a sharp inhale, blinking a few times before my brain could even comprehend the question. I simply nodded. "I can still smell it on you," she chuckled, taking another sip of the milk.

     "So I'm still an Alpha?" I questioned, fidgeting with the cloth of my jacket uneasily.

     "You're cursed."

     "What?" My fingers paused their useless tasks, and my eyes met her for the first time since I'd stepped foot inside. I was silent for a long moment, and she for a much longer one. Then I scoffed, not even knowing what to say. "So it's some fairytale bullshit?"

     "Does the fact that these... second genders exist not fascinate you?" she inquired, leaning forward in her chair against the ancient table. It creaked and swayed in discomfort as her weight trusted it with her life. "Did you simply accept the fact that your body is the way it is? Did you never wonder why?"

     "Of course, I did," I stated, tilting my head curiously at her words. "I've done my research. It shouldn't make sense, yet here we are."

     "Yet here we are," she repeated, smiling as though she enjoyed the sound of my words. "It wasn't always this way."

     My brow arched instinctively, leaping in surprise to the top of my wrinkled forehead. "Wha-?"

     "Humans..." she interrupted, her rotting smile growing wider each second she prolonged her vowels dramatically, "or wolves?"

     The book was in my bag, strapped tightly to my back, closed and the contents concealed securely within the thick cloth. I didn't question her knowledge of the title, but I felt my heart begin to race in both curiosity and... fright.

     "What do you think?" she asked, resting her chin against her hand patiently. "You read it; what are your thoughts?"

     She sounded like a teacher; it was laughable, yet I had to ponder the question. "We were once separated species completely?"

     "Of course, we were!" she exclaimed, grinning like a proud parent. "Yet... somehow... we became something of both. There are still humans; we now call them Betas. There are still wolves... predators to man still to this very day. So... what are we? Why are we?"

     I don't know. But I couldn't say those words. How am I supposed to know? Obviously things weren't as they seemed. Obviously, there was something more to it. What?

     "A curse."

     "A curse," I repeated, my voice soft and confused amid her riddles. "Magic? What the fuck?"

     "Our ancestors weren't exactly strong enough to defeat the predators that fed upon our species like stepping on a bug," she spat, gripping her glass with reddening skin. "There was no magic involved. They simply had their leader fuck a wolf."

     I grimaced at the thought. "He fucked a wolf?"

     "That's what I just said." She nodded slowly, her smile fading by the second. "The wolf gave birth to the first Omega. It was more of a hybrid between human and wolf than the people you see today. It had fur and a long nose just like a dog." She pointed to her nose amusingly, smiling at the disgusted expressions I couldn't help but make. "Over time, the hybrids began to look like humans... and act like wolves. It wasn't their intention to give birth to Omegas. It was simply the catch to their breeding plan. However, you and me... we're a bit different. Of course, there were humans completely opposed to the idea of combining wolf and man. They fought against the process, and a war was the result. Amid the war, a hero arose, but he was a weak Omega. He wanted to have an Alpha's strength to kill his enemy. It's quite gruesome, but he filled his body with an Alpha's blood, and it worked! He was given that strength. He was fucked and gave birth, and here we are. I'm sure others did this as well, but it would be unthinkable now."

     My fists and jaw clenched tightly in frustration. My nails dug into my palms, and my teeth might've cracked from the pressure. "That's fucking disgusting."

     "Everyone wants what they don't have." She shrugged, taking one final sip of her milk. "Omegas... Alphas... it's all so artificial, you know. It can be changed so easily, but they don't want you to know that. They want order, and we're the opposite of that. Do you know what would happen if you were to get caught?"

     I thought I did, but... like everything else she'd asked, my ideas were inevitably wrong. "No."

     "You'd be killed."

(1059 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter! ԅ(-෴-ԅ)

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