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"Jae!"    "Jae!"

 Doyoung walks towards Jaehyun who just came out of the sea after diving.

"Ohh! My husband! What are you doing here?" Jaehyun gladly walks towards him.

"Jae, I need your help in finding lawyer."

"Wow! 'Jae's type' indeed." Jeno comes towards them, highfiving Jaehyun.

"Hi! I am Lee Jeno. Your cousin-in-law." Jeno shakes his hand with Doyoung, "What brings you here?"

"I think he just missed me." Jaehyun smirks looking at Doyoung.

"Oh, okay!" Both the cousin brother smiles.

"Jae! I won't stop bothering you until you talk to me." Doyoung says sternly.

"Hmmm, Let's go!!" Jaehyun tsk-ed as he walks ahead ignoring Doyoung.

"Yahh!! Jae!!" Doyoung yells following him.

"Don't be late! We have tight schedules." Jeno says as he leaves Jaehyun behind.


"Yahhhh! Jaee!!" Doyoung yells still following him.

Doyoung stops in his track when he see Jaehyun washing himself. His word gets stuck in his throat as he stares at his husband showering. Jaehyun smirks as he notices his flustered husband.

"Yes, my husband!" Jaehyun leans on the wall, "What do you want to talk about?"

"You want to talk here?" Doyoung clears his throat as he watches here and there.

"Why not? You're my husband and the law states my hot body is yours." Jaehyun smirks.

"My fiancee has better body." Doyoung shrugs.

"My husband, even if your fiancee has better body, I am still the one you married. I am still your husband." Jaehyun says opening his arms as Doyoung blushes, looking away, crossing his arms.


"There it is! That's the office." Jaehyun says pointing towards some shabby place full of noises.

"Yes, Mr. Kim Doyoung, How can I help you?" The lawyer says as both of them sits infront of lawyer.

"Attorney Moon, about my case that we discussed, I want to know what can we do?"

"It'll take about a year. Your marriage is valid however it is voidable as you said you both were drunk. We need to convince court with your witness testimonies. So, the question is where are your witnesses?"

"They are gone. The mayor and his team got into accident." Doyoung says.

"But there is one survivor, his secretary, Xiaojun, but he is nowhere to be found." Jaehyun states.

"If I were you, I'd settle with annulment. We just need to convince court that you guys aren't meant to be. We just have to find grounds for separation." Attorney Moon says as both of them glance at each other.


"She said Xiaojun is in Iceland but she doesn't know how to get in contact with him." Jaehyun says sighing as they were sitting at some cafe, "So, what now?"

"I think we should try the annulment option." Doyoung says in determination.

"Do you know because of you I missed my important meeting today?" Jaehyun frowns, "I already told you I don't have time for this."

"Jae! This isn't just for me. This is for you too." Doyoung clasp his hand, "What... what if you want to get married in the future?"

"I already told you before, I am not getting married." Jaehyun says in his frustrated tone, "Okay? Look it's been a long day. I am tired. I am going home." Jaehyun stands up to leave, "Sorry."

With that Jaehyun walks away leaving frustrated Doyoung alone. Doyoung watches as Jaehyun walks away.

Doyoung's tear drops which he has been trying to suppress.

Jaehyun stares at Doyoung sitting inside his car, who was wiping his tear.

Jaehyun sighs long before getting out of the car and walking back towards him, "Here!" Jaehyun puts down the tissue as he sits infront of Doyoung, "So, What are your plans?"

Doyoung smiles as he wipes his tears tucking his hair behind his ear, staring at Jaehyun.

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