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In the evening, Doyoung was telling about the activities they can do in their wedding with Jinyoung.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Doie." Jinyoung says as Doyoung's smile drops, "Mom tried snorkeling and that was a disaster. And hiking? that's dangerous, doie. And you aren't sporty type." 

Jaehyun walks across Doyoung who was biting his nail. He frowns listening to their conversation.

"Yes, hyung. I am sorry." Doyoung gives a tightlipped smile.

"Doie next time prior your choice." Jinyoung says as Doyoung nods, Jaehyun staring in worry.

"Is he really like that?" Jaehyun ask after Doyoung hangs up the call.

"Like what?" Doyoung hesitates to meet his eyes.

"Nothing." Jaehyun smiles at him, "...Nothing."

"No, it's my fault too." Doyoung looks at him.

"You know, Doyoung, there is still a chance..." Jaehyun pauses.

"Chance to?" Doyoung ask.

"Just... uh.." Jaehyun hesitates, "You guys aren't married yet." Jaehyun looks at him, "You can still back out."

"And then what?" Doyoung ask looking back at him. Both of them looking intently at each other.

"...Nothing." Jaehyun gives him a small smile, "Nothing... I am joking." Jaehyun looks away.

Doyoung then stares at Jaehyun for a while before staring at his ring. He sighs long, holding the ring tight.


Doyoung was walking around the beach, minds full of thoughts when he noties Jaehyun with a guy. And they were hugging, hugging tight. Doyoung whips his head away, walking back. He lowers his head, walking away.

He walks back to the wedding of the couple who invited them few days ago. He sits beside Jaemin, lowering his head.

"Have you seen Jae hyung?" Jeno ask.

"No, I haven't." Doyoung lies.


"Where were you, Xiaojun?" Jaehyun pulls away from the hug.

"I ran away from my home with Hendery. They were against us." Xiaojun smiles at him.

"That's so brave of you." Jaehyun smiles.

"I didn't want to regret leaving Hendery just because my parents didn't approve us. I am their son, one day they'll accept us anyways. And in love, every minute and every second is precious." Xiaojun smiles at him.


All four of them were now sitting around the table, Doyoung and Jaehyun in silence, not even looking at each other.

"Let's go!" Jeno pulls Jaemin away to god knows where.

"Don't leave us alone." Doyoung murmurs when he sees both of them running away.

"Doyoung." Jaehyun calls.

"Hmm?" Doyoung responds not matching his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Jaehyun ask, worry evident in his eyes.

"Yeah." Doyoung looks away, "Wait, excuse me." Doyoung stands upto leave.

"Doyoung-ah" Jaehyun holds his wrist stopping him to leave, "Sit down." Jaehyun makes him sit down.

"Now tell me, what's the problem?" Jaehyun look at him, Doyoung busy ignoring the stare.

"Nothing." Doyoung smiles, "Uhh.. have you found about xiaojun? I don't think I can wait for him anymore. I have to go back to seoul because I still have a lot to do for the wedding. And you... you've helped me enough. I don't want to disturb you from the other matters you need to take care of." Doyoung drinks a sip of wine.

"What are you talking about?" Jaehyun forrows his brows.

"... Like the boy you were hugging earlier." Doyoung looks at him.

Jaehyun sighs in relief as he smiles staring at Doyoung, "Were you jealous, baby? Are you jealous, baby?" 

"No!" Doyoung denies, "Excuse me, I need to go." Doyoung stands walking away.

"Doyoung!" Jaehyun follows him, "Doyoung-ahh... Doyoung, I need to tell you something." Jaehyun holds his wrist pulling him closer.

"Jae, I need to go." Doyoung pulls himself away.

"Doyoung! Doyoung-ah!" Jaehyun holds him, matching their eyes.

"I really need to go." Doyoung looks away, "Jae, this is wrong. It is wrong." Doyoung covers his face with his hand.

"Doyoung!" Jaehyun lifts his chin, "This is what's real."

"Doyoung, I love you. I fell in love with you the first day I saw you." Jaehyun removes his hair from his face.

"Jae..." Doyoung sighs looking at him, his eyes glistening with tears.

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