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"Doie, she has been waiting for you since this morning. The meeting has already ended." His colleague says running as they both enters the conference hall.

"I am really sorry, ma'am. I'll send you an apology letter. I promise you, this won't happen ever again." Doyoung stands infront of his boss who just sighs at him.

"Doie, this isn't you." His boss closes the file, "I am advising you to take a month off. These days you look so occupied that I don't think you can focus on work."


"Doie, my sister has seen some destination for wedding and I have suggested it too Jungwoo too." Jinyoung went and went about this and that, while Doyoung is zoned-out.

"Hyung, I need to say something to you." Doyoung interrupts him.

"Doie? What's wrong?"

"Hyung, remember the day I went home drunk after Ten's wedding?" The call glitched.

Doyoung cries as he held the ring tight, "I accidentally got married. I was drunk and stupid. Forgive me hyung. I promise I'll fix this. I am sorry." Doyoung cries not knowing the call has got glitched.

"Hyung? Hyung?" Doyoung calls as he holds his Ipad.

"Shit!" Doyoung attempts to cut the call but his Ipad just shuts down.

He flinches when he hears his phone ring. Doyoung slowly picks up his call, "Doie?"

"...Hyung...?" Doyoung whispers slowly.

"Doie, I think the connection is weak. I couldn't hear you. Anyways, I have to go now. Bye, I Love You." Jinyoung hung up the call as Doyoung sighs in relief.


Doyoung walks to living room where his mother was. He stares at his smiling mother who was busy on her tab.

"Ma!" Doyoung calls his mother who smiles at his presence.

"Ma! I have a problem and I need your help." Doyoung says hesitatingly, fear visible in his eyes.

"Oh!! Speak no more." His mom smiles, "I am on it. Look at these doie. I marked all the requirements and inspiration for the wedding suit so that you won't get problem." His mom shows the suits she prepared as Doyoung just silently stands there.

Doyoung now had tear in his eyes not knowing what to do. His mother glances at him as she uwu-ed, "Is that tear of joy, my baby?" His mom holds his hand, "Everytime I think about your wedding, I also tear up of joy. I feel like this will be the wedding of the year, Right?" His mom says excitedly as he just stares at her, "And you know when I tell people about you living with your husband in New York, they get jealous." His mom caresses his hair. Doyoung just stares at his mother smiling who was so excited about the marriage.

He decides to remain silent not wanting to ruin his mother happiness. He then hugs her tight wanting some comfort as well as confidence. His mother happily hugs him back, "You're welcome, baby." His mother kisses his forehead, "It's going to be okay baby. I am here." He tightens the hug.


Jaehyun squirms, waking up, "Thankyou lord!" He smiles to himself still not fully awake. He then checks his phone for new messages and sighs when he sees nothing. 

He flinches when he saw his papa two staring at him.

"Papa two, I'll die because of heart attack." Jaehyun says to his uncle.

"And your mama two will die of worry." His uncle says.

"Where is Mama two?"

"She is sleeping. We are taking turns. Does your head still hurt?" His uncle ask worried.

"Not anymore. Doyoung is the only headache right now." Jaehyun says sighing.

"Right on! Spouses are the root of headaches." His uncle says as he smiles, "But you'll be okay now. Nobody will text you anymore. You won't get calls anymore. Nobody will show up all of a sudden. He is never going to bother you again." His uncle shrugs making him frown.

"Papa two, it's hard." Jaehyun sighs.

"Is it hard to fall in love? or leave the relationship?" His uncle ask, "Marriage is difficult, son. Sometimes you'll have a lot of reasons to give up and leave, but you'd chose to stay beside them."


"Because you love them. What about you?" His uncle smiles asking Jaehyun, making him ponder in his thoughts.

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