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Doyoung walks towards their hotel's room balcony and looks outside, enjoying the cool morning breeze, when he sees Jaehyun running towards the beach yelling, "THANKYOU LORD!!", clasping his hand together, closing his eyes.  

He smiles at Jaehyun, staring at him.


"As an wedding coordinator, I should have been there with you hyung. Jinyoung hyung is so disappointed. He said you've been doing everything alone when I should also be there with you." Jungwoo says as Doyoung gives him a small nod.

"And about that, Doie, Jinyoung's hyung mom called me-" Jungwoo continues his talk as Doyoung's phone dings with the text.


My husband, please smile :)

 Jaehyun sits infront of Doyoung. Doyoung sighs before he just ignores the text. Jaehyun frowns, looking at sulky Doyoung.

Jaehyun then takes a piece of tissue, writing something on it and pushing towards Doyoung. Doyoung turns the paper, when he sees a big 'I' written on it. He glances at Jaehyun who smiles at him.

Jaehyun then pushes another paper towards him with big 'LOVE'  written on it. Doyoung gives him a questioning look. 

Jaehyun then pushes another paper. Doyoung raises his brows when he sees big 'YOU' written on it. He then fiddles with paper when he saw,  'R SMILE' at the back.

Doyoung looks at Jaehyun who smiles at him, eyes full of adoration. 

Doyoung then breaks into a big smile at the dimples... before focusing back on the call with Jungwoo.

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Next day, Jaemin stands infront of them with the promo of free buffet. "Sure." all of them nods as they decided to take part in that competition.

"To all the couples, you can join the newspaper Dance game and win the free buffet." The announcer announced, as the newspaper is brought infront of them.

"Now let the game begin!!"

Jaehyun and Doyoung starts dancing, Doyoung awkwardly looking at Jaehyun, who is enjoying himself.

"Yeah!" Jaehyun yells when he holds Doyoung by the waist stabling themselves on top of newspaper.

And as the match continues, Doyoung begins enjoying as well while only few of the couples were left.

"Catch me!" With that Doyoung jumps on Jaehyun when the music stops. And Jaehyun holds him tight by the waist in his arms, staring at him, stabling themself on his one foot. Doyoung smiles wide, staring back at Jaehyun.

"WE HAVE A WINNER!!" Announcer announces as they look away from each other.

"WOW, We are the winners!!" Doyoung smiles wide coming down from Jaehyun's arms.

"You two are meant to be!!" Another couple says smiling at them. Doyoung turns to look at Jaehyun who was already smiling at him.

"Please attend our wedding, it's day after tomorrow." The couple says as Doyoung nods, "Sure. We'll be there."

"Even he said we are meant to be." Jaehyun nudges Doyoung who just smiles at him, "So, think again before divorcing me. Don't regret it later." 

"You are unbelievable, Jae." Doyoung shakes his head, walking away with his slight blushing cheeks.

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