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"My god, Kim Doyoung!" His mom yells in frustration, "What is this stupidity? You married a man and you didn't know it? And on top of it you went Jejudo with him? WHY? You are not the son I raised. Where did I go wrong?"

"I am sorry, Ma!" Doyoung cries, lowering his head, "I am really sorry."

"Ma, I really love you a lot. Every decision I make is for you. I always wanted to make you happy. I am sorry If I failed being your son. But Ma, it already happened. I don't know where this is going and I don't know if you'll ever forgive me but I hope whatever my decision will be, even if you don't agree to it, even if I don't become the perfect son you wished for, I hope I can still be your son. I hope you'd still love me." With that Doyoung walks away.


"Thankyou lord!" Jaehyun smiles as he feels sunrays bothering his eyes, "Thankyou so much." He then gets up, running towards their living room.

"Mama two, papa two, I already tranferred the deed of this house to your name. And I already took care of my burial if we didn't get to meet again. And I have saved enough money for the business you always wanted to open." Jaehyun smiles at his second parents.

"Jeno, I have transferred our business under your name." Jaehyun smiles at Jeno who is looking at him in disbelief.

"What is this crazy guy saying?" His aunty throws the paper back towards him, "We don't need it. Take it back."

"Mama two, just in case if something bad happens." Jaehyun pushes the paper back at her.

"Wait, are you really serious about the surgery, Jae?" His uncle ask him again.

"Yes, papa two, never been this serious. I am doing it for myself and most importantly for you guys who have never gave up on me." Jaehyun states, looking at his only family.

"And starting this day, my life will be a big thankyou. Thankyou very much to you and I-I love you guys a lot. I really do." Jaehyun says with his quivering voice, "And I am ready." Jaehyun says sternly.

"Long live, Jae!!" His uncle raises a toast with a juice.

"LONG LIVE!!" All of them cheers together.


"How did this happen?" Jinyoung ask, sighing looking at the marriage certificate.

"I am sorry, hyung. I-"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I swear I tried-"

"You should have told me earlier. IF YOU DID IT, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN OVER AND DONE BY NOW." Jinyoung raises his voice, "From now on, I would like too oversee these annulment case of yours."


"Because for once, I wanted to feel that I can control my own life." Doyoung looks at him.

"Are you saying I've been controlling you?" Jinyoung frowns at him.

"No." Doyoung shakes his head.

"That's exactly what you're saying, Doie." Jinyoung stands up walking towards Doyoung, "Doie, I let you make decisions. I LET YOU MAKE YOUR OWN CAREER! I PERMITTED YOU TO DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!" Jinyoung yells.

"If I am free to do so, why do I always have to ask for your permissions?" Doyoung ask, looking at him.

"You know what doie?" Jinyoung sits infront of him, "You are free to say no."

"Hyung.." Doyoung holds Jinyoung's hand, "You're one of the biggest reasons why I have reached this far. And I am thankful. But we can't stay in relationship just because we're thankful."

"Six years, Doie. Six years." Jinyoung emphasizes every word.

"Six years? I have lived these six years always wanting for your approval. Hoping one day, you'll realize, that I've grown enough to be worthy of your trust. But you know what I realized? That, that day will never come. Because you will never see me as an equal."

"Is this because of him?" Jinyoung ask him, "This is all because you met that guy."

"We've already had problem long ago." Doyoung looks at him, "All he did was make me realize the problems."

"Doie, you are making the biggest mistake of your life." Jinyoung says.

"But it's a risk I am ready to take." Doyoung pulls out a ring from his finger, then hands it to back Jinyoung, "I am sorry. And I am thankful." With that Doyoung walks away from there.

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