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"Why are we at the hospital?" Jaehyun ask sitting infront of masked Doyoung, "I am allergic to hospitals."

"Insanity!! That's our next ground." Doyoung says removing his mask, "You can see the psychiatrist and we can use your pyschological inability. You just need to pretend you're unwell."

"I won't and do you know what gives us pyschological problem?" Jaehyun ask, "Love! Love makes people go crazy. So you should do it!"

"Jaee~~" Doyoung whines.


"Attorney Moon is on his way!" Doyoung opens the cafe's door.

"Doie?"  "Doiie!" Doyoung's mom calls him.

"MA?" Doyoung's eyes widens at the sudden entry of his mother.

"Ma! What are you doing here?" Doyoung hugs his mother making Jaehyun confuse.

"I am meeting my client here! What are you doing here?" His mom ask glancing at Jaehyun.

"Are you Doyoung's mother?" Jaehyun ask, as his mother nods, "Hi mommy!" Jaehyun hugs his mother.

"Hi! Have I met him before? What's his name?" His mother ask as both of them laughs awkwardly.

"Client! He is my client." Doyoung hurriedly says.

"Yes, mommy, I am his client." Jaehyun smiles.

"We'll leave mom. We'll go somewhere else so we won't disturb you." Doyoung smiles holding Jaehyun's hand to leave.

"No! NO! It's okay." Doyoung's mother smiles.

"Ohh! Mr. Jeong-kim." The attorney Moon calls them, "I am sorry. I came a little late I couldn't get the cab!" Doyoung and Jaehyun awkwardly smiles looking at each other.

"Mr. Jeong-Kim?" Doyoung's mom frowns.

"Umm, they are my clients." Attorney Moon points at them.

"No. He is his client." Doyoung's mom corrects him.

"Yes you are right, mommy!" Jaehyun says smiling.

"Yes, they are my clients." Attorney Moon smiles.

"And not Mr. Jeong-kim. My son is only Kim. He is not married yet."

"He is already married."

"Not yet!"

"He is."

Jaehyun frustatingly swipes his hair back, glancing at Doyoung who was also panicking. Jaehyun groans before he  falls straight on the ground making all of them gasp.

"Oh my god! He passed out!" Doyoung's mom yelps as Doyoung stares at him wide-eyes.

"Right! Oh my god! Attorney Moon we need help! Doctor! Call the doctor." Doyoung pushes attorney Moon outside the cafe, "Go far! GO!"

"Give him CPR!" His mom pushes him towards Jaehyun.

"Okay!" Doyoung kneels as he pushes his chest counting one two.

"Not like that! Give him air!!" Doyoung's mom push him, "Air! from mouth."


"He needs to breathe! Give him!" His mom pushes him.

Doyoung holds Jaehyun's mouth opening it, hesitating to give him CPR. He stares at his husband as his mother yells at him.

"Fast!! I don't want to witness death." And his mother pushes him, making them touch their lips.

Doyoung let out a small yelp as he gives him the breathe. Jaehyun opens his eyes wide in surprise, making Doyoung surprise too. They stare at each other, both wide eyes.

"He is alive!!!" All of them cheers as they saw Jaehyun opening his eyes.

Jaehyun smirks slightly as he closes his eyes again pretending to pass out again.

"He is dead again. Give him CPR." His mom pushes him. Doyoung looks at his mom wide eyes, still recovering from the kiss? earlier.

"Okay move away. I'll do it myself." His mom pushes him as she kneels beside him. Doyoung's mom inhales long breathe as Jaehyun opens his eyes in horror.

"I am okay! I am okay!" Jaehyun says as he stands up. People surrounding him cheers as Doyoung touches his lips trying to grasp the situation, still blank.

Jaehyun and Doyoung meets their eyes, both of them staring at each other not knowing what to do or say.

"Are you okay, dear?" Doyoung's mom ask.

"I am okay, mommy." Jaehyun nods his head.

"C-Come on. I'll take you to the hospital, Just to be sure." Doyoung pulls Jaehyun out of his mom's grasp and the crowd.

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