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"Hello! Yes, my husband, Mr. Jeong-Kim." Jaehyun picks up his call from somewhere in middle of the ocean, "Wait! I can't hear you. Let me find the better reception."

"Hello! Yes, I talked to attorney Moon about the grounds that we can use for our case. I just need to know the peoples name that you have dated. I need to interview them and I need to get statement regarding your... your.. your... uhhh... performance." Doyoung says hesitating at the last sentence.

"What's that?" Jaehyun ask.


"You are little tense?" Jaehyun ask.

"Impotence, Jae!"

"Why are you tense?"

"Impotence. I said Impotence. I said you're impotent. Impote-"

"Doyoung?" His boss suddenly comes infront of him frowning.

"The stocks! Yes, the stocks, Sir. It's so weak, sir. It makes me weak." Doyoung looks away from his boss.


"So, tell me, how was Jae's performance?" Doyoung ask the boy infront of him.

"Can he heat up the room?" Jaemin ask smiling.

"Yes, definitely, girl! He has a great sex appeal!"

"He is really sweet! And he was so good."

"I remember every moment. It was so good."

"How can I forget, although it's looooooooooooong ago."

"It's haaaaard to forget!!"

Doyoung frowns at the answer he was receiving from the people he is taking statement of.

"Hello!" Doyoung picks up his phone.

"Where are you?"

"Wait! I saw you." Doyoung stands up to go to him.

"Oh!! He is hot." Jaemin runs upto Jaehyun.

"Hello! I am Jaemin. Your brother-in-law." Jaemin shakes his hand.

"Do that later!" Doyoung pulls Jaehyun infront of all those person.

"HI! JAEEEEE!" The girls and the boys yelps when they see Jaehyun.

"Hi!" Jaehyun says as he runs away from them, who yells in excitement following him.

"Wait! Jae!" Doyoung yell-calls him but Jaehyun was long gone.


Right now Doyoung was sitting infront of Jaehyun's family with Jaehyun beside him. Well, Doyoung gave him a suprise visit him in the early morning.

Doyoung smiles at his uncle and aunty before he shows the paper towards Jaehyun.

"These are the text you need to send me daily." Doyoung turns towards Jaehyun, "We need to gather enough text to support our next ground."

"I miss you!... Where are you?...  Who are you talking to?...  WHERE ARE YOU?...  I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!...  I'M DYING OF JEALOUSY!"  Jaehyun reads the text that he was suppose to send.

"Unbearable Jealousy!!" Doyoung states, "According to attorney, some courts consider it."

"But why me?" Jaehyun leans towards Doyoung, his arms resting on Doyoung's chair, "I am not Jealous type."

"I am not too." Doyoung also leans towards Jaehyun.

"You didn't get jealous last night?" Jaehyun ask with a teasing smile.

"No! I didn't" Doyoung refuse.

"But I saw you."


"You're jealous of my exes~" Jaehyun singsongs.


"You are."

"I am not!"

"They are sweet! They remind me of us." Jaehyun's uncle smiles looking at his wife who rolls her eyes at him.

"I am leaving then. I have a meeting. Thankyou!!" Doyoung bows smiling, as his phone suddenly dings by the text. He checks the message as his lips corner twitches.

"My husband, you're the most beautiful one among them all." Jaehyun says in the sweetest voice as he sent the same exact words in their text.

Doyoung raises his brows looking at Jaehyun who just smiles sweetly at him, showing his dimple making Doyoung smile back at him too.

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